Welcome back from the festive season break. We trust that you are well rested and wish you the very best for 2019.
A second window of the Employer Discretionary Grants has been opened on 21 January 2019 till 15 February 2019 to allow employers that may have missed the 15 October 2018 deadline or employers with additional learners omitted in their initial application. Refer to 2018 /19 guidelines on our website for criteria.
Ready for the year ahead, we are excited to continue our journey in skills development and we hope you are too!
Zandile Skosana
Marketing and Communications
The FASSET Board wishes to extend its warm welcome to the appointment of its Chief Executive Officer, Ms. Ayanda Mafuleka. Ms. Mafuleka has taken over from Elizabeth Thobejane who has been acting since March 2018. The appointment is effective from 03 January 2019.
Ms. Mfuleka is a highly experienced, successful and well-regarded business leader who, since the start of her career, has gained experience across various disciplines within finance. She is a Charted Accountant by profession, and holds the following qualifications; LLB Degree, Advanced Financial Management Certificate, B.Compt (Honours) - (CTA) as well as a BCom degree under her belt.
Ms. Mafuleka has served in several roles in government, as well as in the corporate sector. She has been instrumental in leaving legacies of clean audits, sound financial management of turning around entities from a deficit to a surplus position, plugging in effective processes and controls as well as governance structures. Previously the CFO of the National Credit Regulator (NCR), Ayanda Mafuleka was appointed CFO of state coal mining company, African Exploration, Mining and Finance Corporation (AEMFC).
Please join us in welcoming Ms. Mafuleka in this leadership position at FASSET and wishing her continued success in her new role.
Mandatory Grant
The submission of an Annual Training Report (ATR) 2018/19 combined with the Skills Development Plan 2017/2018 allows employers to claim 20% of their Skills Development Levy (SDL) paid to Fasset. This grant may be claimed for any training planned and undertaken in the firm, irrespective of the nature of the training. Training conducted/planned for any population group is acceptable for the grant.
Learner Employment Grant (LEG)
The LEG is a discretionary grant which is part of our Discretionary Grants which has been offered to the sector.
In terms of the funding regulations to the SDA, the Seta may pay out at least 49.5% of the SDL received, to strategic
interventions. This 49.5% is added to any unclaimed levies held by the Seta. Fasset offers employers different Discretionary
Grant of a maximum of 49.5% of the SDL where the employer has undertaken training in strategic scarce skills areas
listed for that financial year and approved by the board. Based on the overall budget approved and number applications received the capping can be removed. This grant is due on 15 October.
The Learner Employment Grant (LEG) is a vehicle that assists in facilitating the achievement of Fasset's mission.
The purpose of the LEG is to incentivize employers to:
- Place learners onto a learnership; and/or
- Retain learners on the learnership for the required duration of the learnership which is 3 years.
The learner is funded on registration of learnership, completion of second year of learnership and completion/discharge
of the learnership.
The grant is applicable to African Black people across the country;
Coloured people employed in the Northern Cape and Western Cape only; and
People with disabilities (any race).
The grant can only be claimed for South African citizens. This means people who are South African citizens by birth
or became a South African citizen before 27 April 1994. The focus on African Black and Coloured Learn-ers in the
Northern Cape and Western Cape is due to the over-representation of White and Indian learners, and the appropriate
representation of Coloured learners in employment in the Fasset sector in other provinces, as compared with the national
population statistics. For this reason most discretionary funding (with the exception of Lifelong Learning and Learner
Professional Development) is to be directed to supporting interventions that assist in improving the demographic balance
in the Fasset sector and the goals of the Employment Act (1999).
Where the employer has applied for a grant for a Coloured learner, the employer must have an office in the Northern
or Western Cape from which the learner operates and the learner must reside in the Northern Cape or Western Cape.
Fasset requires proof of learner residence in either of the abovementioned areas.
Bursary Grant
Fasset's mission is to:
- Increase the flow of new finance and accountancy entrants to employment;
- Develop and grow skills required in the sector; and
- Facilitate the transformation of the finance and accountancy sector.
The Bursary Grant (BG) is a vehicle that will assist in facilitating the achievement of Fasset's mission. The purpose of the BG is to incentivise employers to financially assist learners to complete their tertiary qualification
1. The BG can be claimed for:
- Learners in full-time study only at registered public /private institutions.
- Learners who have completed, first, second, third year, fourth year of a qualification or a post-graduate
qualification; and
- Unemployed learners.
2. The grant is applicable for learners in the following race groups:
- African Black people;
- Coloured people in the Northern Cape and Western Cape only; and
- People with disabilities (any race).
3. The grant can only be claimed for South African citizens.
This means people who are South African citizens by
birth or became a South African citizen before 27 April 1994. The focus on African Black and Coloured Learners
in the Northern Cape and Western Cape is due to the over-representation of White and Indian learners, and the
appropriate representation of Coloured learners in employment in the Fasset sec-tor in other provinces, as compared
with the national population statistics. For this reason most discretionary funding (with the exception of Lifelong
Learning and Learner Professional Development) is to be directed to supporting interventions that assist in improving
the demographic balance in the Fasset sector and the goals of the Employment Act (1999).
The grant is due by 15 October
National Student Financial Aid Scheme Grant (NLRG)
The National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) Loan Repayment Grant (NLRG) is a vehicle that assists in facilitating
the achievement of Fasset's mission. The purpose of the NLRG is to:
- Assist learners to settle their NFAS debt (in part or in full); and
- Incentives learners to complete their learnerships.
1. The NLRG can be claimed for learners with the following:
- Have completed a qualification/s;
- Are in full-time employment; and
- On / completing a learnership in 2018.
2. The grant is applicable for learners in the following race groups:
- African Black people;
- Coloured people in the Northern Cape and Western Cape only; and
- People with disabilities (any race).
3. The grant can only be claimed for South African citizens.This means people who are South African citizens by
birth or became a South African citizen before 27 April 1994. This is due to the over-representation of White and
Indian learners, and the appropriate representation of Coloured learners in employment in the Fasset sector in other
provinces, as compared with the national population statistics. For this reason most discretionary funding (with the
exception of Lifelong Learning and Learner Professional Development) is to be directed to supporting interventions
that assist in improving the demographic balance in the Fasset sector and the goals of the Employment Act (1999).
4. Where the employer has applied for a grant for Coloured people, the employer must have an office in the Northern
or Western Cape from which the learner operates and the learner must reside in the Northern Cape or Western
Cape. Fasset requires proof of learner residence in either of the abovementioned areas and proof of the employer's
operations in either of the abovementioned areas.
The grant is due by 15 October.
Non- Pivotal Learner Employment Grant (NLEG)
The Non-PIVOTAL Learner Employment Grant (NLEG) assists in facilitating the achievement of Fasset's mission. The
purpose of the NLEG is to assist employers to provide opportunities in areas of Fasset's scarce skills list, for which Fasset does not have learnerships. These areas have been highlighted in the Fasset scarce skills list,
Through the NLEG, Fasset wishes to incentivize employers to:
- Place unemployed learners into an internship; or
- Offer unemployed learners permanent employment.
1. The NLEG can be claimed for:
- Learners placed into a one (1) year internship (12 months at minimum); or
- For learners placed into permanent employment.
2. The grant is applicable for learners in the following race groups:
- African Black people;
- Coloured people in the Northern Cape and Western Cape only; and
- People with disabilities (any race).
3. The grant can only be claimed for South African citizens. This means people who are South African citizens by
birth or became a South African citizen before 27 April 1994. This is due to the over-representation of White and
Indian learners, and the appropriate representation of Coloured learners in employment in the Fasset sector in other
provinces, as compared with the national population statistics. For this reason most discretionary funding (with the
exception of Lifelong Learning and Learner Professional Development) is to be directed to supporting interventions
that assist in improving the demographic balance in the Fasset sector and the goals of the Employment Act (1999).
4. Where the employer has applied for a grant for Coloured people, the employer must have an office in the Northern
or Western Cape from which the learner operates and the learner must reside in the Northern Cape or Western
Cape. Fasset requires proof of learner residence in either of the abovementioned areas and proof of the employer's
operations in either of the abovementioned areas.
The grant is due by 15 October.
National Skills Development Awards 2019
The National Skills Authority (NSA) will be hosting the National Skills Development Awards on the 14th March 2019. A call for nomination was issued in December 2018. We encourage all stakeholders in the finance and accounting services sector to submit nominations for the National Skills Development Awards 2019.
Enquiries must be directed to the relevant Sector Education and Training Authority (SETA) or to the National Skills Authority (NSA) through the following email skillsawards@nationalskillsauthority.org.za. Entries close on the 04 February 2019. Please click here to access application forms.
Free Lifelong Learning Training Events
Lifelong Learning events
Fasset's lifelong learning events are always well-supported. Places are limited. To avoid disappointment it is important to register early.
Effective Business Presentation and Public Speaking Fasset will host one-day Effective Business Presentation and Public Speaking workshops during February 2019. Registrations for the first workshop close on 30 January 2019, thereafter five days before any event. More information is available on the Fasset website.
Hosted by BDCE (Pty) Ltd, the informative sessions are aligned with SAQA Unit standard 242840, NQF 4; Credits 2, and will cover the use of verbal/oral communication skills to make an effective presentation; the use of non-verbal communication to reach audience; the use and maintenance of good poise during a presentation; and how to handle questions and overcome objections. Delegates will be issued a Certificate of Attendance. Click here to register your attendance.
Budget and Tax Update 2019 Fasset's Budget and Tax Update has always been Fasset's flagship lifelong learning event. Fasset will host half-day seminars countrywide during March 2019. The workshops will focus on areas such as an overview of proposals in the 2019 Budget; explanations of the key amendments in the Taxation Laws Amendment Bill; a discussion of the provision of the Tax Administration Laws Amendment Bill; and other relevant developments in Tax, SARS administration, and important cases and rulings issued in 2018 and early 2019.
Registrations for the first seminar close on 28 February 2019, thereafter five days before any event.
Communication regarding the re-issue/re-print of certificates
Please click here to access important information regarding re-issue/reprint of certificates
Support to Non-levy payers
Non-levy paying employers can register with Fasset, and enjoy Seta benefits and incentives, such as attending free training events. Click here to download the registration form.
Do we have your correct details?
If any of your particulars have changed, please contact Fasset at 086 101 0001 or via email at fassetcallcentre@fasset.org.za, so that we can update your details on our database. You can also login to verify or update your details.
Fraud Prevention
In order to assist Fasset in giving effect to our Fraud Prevention Plan, we encourage all stakeholders to make use of the Fasset Tip Offs Hotline 0800 205 054 to notify Fasset of any suspected fraudulent activities impacting on Fasset.
Engage with us and Win!
Congratulations to Shephard Huni from SH Registered accountants & Tax consultants the winner of our website lucky draw competition for Dec 2018. Keep browsing our website and be spotted as our next winner. |