
Zandile Skosana
Communications Manager
The recent chill in the air is a reminder of how quickly time is flying; we are heading into winter.
With the Mandatory Grant deadline already passed, Fasset is hard at work with the assessment process to ensure that the first payment for 2016/2017 is made in August 2016.
We would like to thank all the employers in our sector that submitted their Mandatory Grant by 30 April 2016. The assessment and query process is underway; please remember that queries raised by Fasset need to be responded to within one month.
There are also a number of Fasset events on offer over the next few months, so be sure to register early to avoid disappointment.
To find out about what's happening at Fasset, read below, or visit the website: www.fasset.org.za
Kind Regards
Zandile Skosana
Fasset Board New Appointee

Patricia Stock
Audit Partner BDO Johannesburg
We are pleased to announce the Fasset Board new appointee in respect of Large and Medium sized accounting and tax practices.
The Minister of Higher Education and Training has approved the nomination of Ms Patricia Stock. She is an Audit Partner at BDO South Africa Incorporated. She is also the Chairperson of the Transformation Advisory and Skills Committee of the BDO South Africa Group as well as the Skills Development Champion for the Group. Patricia is a CA(SA) and a Registered Auditor. We welcome Patricia on board, and wish her all the success in her appointment.

Winds of change are sweeping across the Seta landscape. Setas as we know them will only exist for another two years. Thereafter, the Minister of Higher Education and Training, Dr Blade Nzimande intends replacing Setas with Sector Education and Training Advisory Bodies (SETABs).
With this wave of change coming, Fasset has reviewed its strategy. Our mandate still remains strong to facilitate opportunities for employment, and also drive transformation within the sector.
Management at Fasset asked the question: "If we only have two years left and a limited pool of funding, what should we focus on to ensure that we can address the multiple challenges and gaps in the skills pipeline, in a way that will enable us to make the greatest difference?" In answering that question we have deployed a new strategy called #LastingLegacy; and it places a strong focus on fostering partnerships and embarking on skills development initiatives that will leave a lasting legacy. This strategy represents a more focused approach, rather than a change in direction.
The core pillars in the #LastingLegacy strategy are placement and academic support. Placement refers to direct placement into employment, including the placement onto learnerships and internships. Academic support refers to supporting learners to complete their degrees or professional qualifications. Fasset has also "tweaked" some of its grants to ensure that there is very strong delivery in the area of placement and academic support.
With this new strategy deployed, Fasset believes that it is taking responsibility to create a legacy that will take the next generation to a level we can only imagine; our skills development interventions will be our legacy.
If you wish to engage us further on the new strategy and to understand how your organisation will benefit from this new approach, please feel free to send our CEO Ms. Cheryl James an e-mail at cheryl.james@fasset.org.za.
Lifelong Learning Events
Lifelong Learning (LL) events remain a flagship offering under Fasset's new strategy; and these events are always well-supported. The events enable our stakeholders to keep their professional skills current.
However for the 2016/17 financial year, the LL offering has been reduced in light of the deployment of our new strategy. Going forward, the Seta will host three events annually: the Compliance with Changes in Legislation Update; the Management and Leadership Skills workshop and the Budget and Tax 2017 Update.
The first event for the year, Compliance with Changes in Legislation, is set to kick-off in August 2016. Please visit the website: www.fasset.org.za to book your attendance. Registrations for this event will open on the 1st of July 2016. Places are limited to 2000 delegates; to avoid disappointment it is important to register early.
If you need more information about the LL events, please send an e-mail to ludwe.matanzima@fasset.org.za
Support to Non-levy payers
Non-levy paying employers can register with Fasset, and enjoy Seta benefits and incentives, such as attending free training events. Click here to download the registration form.
Learnership Registrations and Non-levy payers registrations
When submitting learnership agreements for registration, employers are requested to please attach a copy of their EMP201. For NLP registrations as of 1 April 2016, the requirement of an EMP201 will also be instituted.
Career Guidance
Fasset continues to raise career awareness and position the Fasset sector as the sector of career choice for learners at school-level. We recognise that career planning is not only the learner's responsibility; role players such as parents, teachers and employers in the sector should also be involved in this process.
Fasset plans to establish a career portal, which learners, teachers and parents will be able to access. Our intention is to serve as a starting point for career-related information and act as a gateway to career-related information. The portal will provide information about the various careers and career paths within the finance and accounting services sector.
We invite employers in the sector to collaborate with us in this process. We are looking for partners to help us build content on employment tips and how can learners choose their careers. We are also looking for volunteers to help us with disseminating career awareness information at career events. We are looking for volunteers to give a career awareness talks at schools. The need for information is dire; your contribution would add to the lasting legacy we want to leave behind. We would like to inspire as many learners as possible and perhaps you are the bright spark that they need to look up to.
To get involved in the Career Awareness programme, send an email to zandile.skosana@fasset.org.za. To find out how to get Fasset material for your Career Guidance programme, send an email to ludwe.matanzima@fasset.org.za outlining your requirements.
Learner tracer study
Are you a Fasset Work-readiness Programme beneficiary, have you already given us your feedback? The Finance and Accounting Services SETA (Fasset) is conducting a Learner tracer study for its work-readiness programmes; and we would like to get your opinion.
To participate in this Work Readiness Programme Learner Survey, please check your inbox or for a SurveyMonkey email requesting you to complete a questionnaire. If you are in a Work Readiness Programme and have not received the email requesting you to participate in the survey, please send an email to biggie.chidzvondo@fasset.org.za.
Fasset Success Stories
We always love to hear back from those who have completed Fasset-funded programmes and encourage these stories via email as well on our Facebook page. We would also like to encourage our Alumni to get involved and pay it forward by volunteering their time to give career awareness talks and share their stories of success.
Click here to read a few comments of gratitude and success stories from the Fasset beneficiaries.
Fasset Tender Bulletin
Fasset procures a number and variety of services in the course of achieving its objectives. All procurement at the relevant threshold according to supply chain regulations is advertised on our website and we advise prospective service providers to regularly check the Tender Bulletin section for new information relating to Fasset's service requirements.
Fraud Prevention
In order to assist Fasset in giving effect to our Fraud Prevention Plan, we encourage all stakeholders to make use of the Fasset Tip Offs Hotline 0800 205 054 to notify Fasset of any suspected fraudulent activities impacting on Fasset.
Do we have your correct details?
If any of your particulars have changed, please contact Fasset at 086 101 0001 or via email at fassetcallcentre@fasset.org.za, so that we can update your details on our database. You can also login to verify or update your details.
Engage with us and Win
Congratulations to Sushma Singh from Shabir Goga Inc., the winner of our website lucky draw competition for April 2016.