
Zandile Skosana
Marketing and Communications
Warm and colourful greetings to all our readers!
As we wrap up the September heritage month, let us embrace being South African through colour, our rich culture and the diversity of beliefs and traditions. Let us learn our various cultures in the true spirit of Ubuntu.
We’ve hosted the Annual General Meeting and Thank You event at Sunnyside Park Hotel in Parktown on the 21st September 2017. We would like to thank all our valuable stakeholders for attending the meeting. We would also like to gather all stakeholder feedback on the Strategic Plan as well as the Annual Performance Plan 2018-2019 tabled at the AGM. Please send your feedback to our Company Secretary Ms Gugu Moetanalo on gugu.moetanalo@fasset.org.za.
As we near the end of the year, let us remember our Matriculants as they prepare for their final exams, and encourage them to give of their best.
Should you have any recommendations or queries, please email us at info@fasset.org.za
Learner Employment Grant (LEG)
The Learner Employment Grant (LEG) Requirements (Updated: 22 June 2017) had the requirement that for small employers, the learners for which they were applying, needed to have attended three (3) Learner Professional Development (LPD) events. This requirement has been removed for the 2017/18 financial year. The grant requirements will shortly be updated, reflecting the removal of the LPD requirement. The online grant system will be available towards the end of October 2017
Ceasing Accreditation- REMINDER
As of 30 June 2018, all SETA quality assured qualifications that have not been replaced by Quality Council for Trades and Occupations (QCTO) qualifications, will reach their expiry date.
As of 15 December 2017, Fasset will no longer be accepting accreditation requests for any of these qualifications. As it takes providers an average of 6 months to achieve accreditation, any accreditation process commenced after 15 December 2017 would likely leave the provider with insufficient time to effectively run a qualification, before the last date of registration has been reached.
Career Awareness
To find out how to get Fasset material for your Career Guidance programme, send an email to ludwe.matanzima@fasset.org.za outlining your requirements.
Fasset Success Stories
We always love to hear from those who have completed Fasset-funded programmes so that we can share those encouraging stories with our sector. We share these via email as well on our Facebook page. Please write to us and let us celebrate your successes with you!
Do we have your correct details?
If any of your particulars have changed, please contact Fasset at 086 101 0001 or via email at fassetcallcentre@fasset.org.za, so that we can update your details on our database. You can also login to verify or update your details.

Engage with us and Win!
Congratulations to Phumzile Phatedi from AT(SA) the winner of our website lucky draw competition for September 2017.
Engage with us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and stand a chance to win Fasset branded goodies.