Fasset AGM and Thank You Function pictures
We have hosted a very successful AGM and Thank you Function in September 2016. Please click here to view the image gallery. We would like to thank all stakeholders for sharing our successes with us.
Fasset Sector Survey Reminder
All Fasset stakeholders are requested to participate in the Fasset Sector Survey for 2016. We have commissioned Underhill Corporate Solutions (UCS) to conduct the Sector Survey. We are appealing to all our stakeholders to participate in the survey, which will give us feedback that will help shape the future of the sector.
Please contact Chris at crispenm@underhillsolutions.co.za for more information on how to participate in the survey. A lucky draw will be held at the end of the survey and the lucky winner will walk away with a Fasset hamper worth R500.
Fasset Sector Trends Report
We’d like to invite all employers in the sector to read our most recent Fasset Sector Trends report. This report presents information on organisations' participation in the levy-grant system, employment trends and skills shortages. Most of the information analysed is from the Mandatory Grant applications and includes profiles of the sector in terms of size and subsector. To read further, please click here.
Sector Skills Plan 2016/2017
The Sector Skills Plan (SSP) update is an annual report approved by the Fasset Board, constituted by representatives from labour, employers, professional bodies and government. The SSP provides essential knowledge for the SETA Board to make decisions concerning the allocation of funding and interventions needed to meet both sectoral and national priorities. Please click here to download the full SSP update.
Fasset Grants
As part of its mid-year Strategy Change, Fasset has launched a number of new grants. These are the Learner Employment Grant (LEG), the Non-PIVOTAL Learner Employment Grant (NLEG) and the Bursary Grant (BG). Employers are urged to read through the requirements for these grants, as they differ from our previous grant offerings. Grant requirements can be found in the download section of our website.
Online Grant System
Employers are made aware that the online grants system has been available since Monday, 10 October 2016. All grants for the 2016 /17 year (barring the NLRG) have to be submitted via the online grant system. Manuals for each grant are available in the Downloads section of the website. Employers are reminded that grants close 15 February 2017 and are urged to read the grant requirements for each grant, carefully.
Compulsory Online Submission of Mandatory Grant Applications
The Skills Development Plan (mandatory grant application) due on 30 April 2017 must be submitted online by all organisations. Previously the online submission was only compulsory for large and medium employers, but small levy paying organisations are now included in this requirement.
In an effort to assist employers in the process, Fasset will publish guidelines for submission on its website, and endeavour to open the functionality for submission, early in the new year.
The change in process will result in quicker evaluation and response time and more efficient payment of the grant.
National Student Financial Aid Scheme Loan Repayment Grant - Additional Funding
The 2016/17 NLRG budget was exhausted in August 2016. The Fasset Board has elected to allocate additional funding to the NLRG budget. Employers are encouraged to send through new applications. Fasset will continue to apply the first-come, first-served rule and the process will be to first look at applications that were rejected due to budget constraints.
Lifelong Learning and Learner Professional Development events
Lifelong learning provides training support to employers of all sizes nationally, including rural areas; and content for these training events is tailor made to suit both finance and non-finance professionals in the sector. These training events are well supported by the sector, and Fasset strives to develop training events that are relevant, current and that add value for its members.
The Management and Leadership Skills workshop is now fully booked. We would like to thank all delegates who have reserved their booking.
Please check out the upcoming Learner Professional Development seminar for the month of November in our Events Calendar. We will be hosting the two-day' workshop on Business Writing and Presentation Skills countrywide between 22 November and 13 December 2016. Please make your booking online to reserve your seat.
We look forward to hosting you at these seminars where best practice in our sector is shared.

Support to Non-levy payers
Non-levy paying employers can register with Fasset and enjoy Seta benefits and incentives such as attending free training events. Click here to download the registration form.
The Fasset Legacy
Rise to greatness, be a motivation to others and share your lasting legacy story with us. Please visit our career portal and celebrate your successes with others! We always love to hear back from those who have completed Fasset-funded programmes so that we can share those encouraging stories with the youth. Employers can also meet qualified graduates on our career portal, please click here and explore for yourself.
Do we have your correct details?
If any of your particulars have changed, please contact Fasset at 086 101 0001 or via email at fassetcallcentre@fasset.org.za, so that we can update your details on our database. You can also login to verify or update your details.
To ensure that firms stay informed about Fasset news, lifelong learning events and strategy updates, it's important that stakeholders update their contact details regularly.
Fraud Prevention
In order to assist Fasset in giving effect to our Fraud Prevention Plan, we encourage all stakeholders to make use of the Fasset Tip Offs Hotline 0800 205 054 to notify Fasset of any suspected fraudulent activities impacting on Fasset.
Engage with us and Win!
Congratulations to Vuyiswa Agosi from Rakoma & Associates Inc
and Gillian Vosloo from ICB, the winners of our website lucky draw competition for September and October 2016.