
Ayanda Mafuleka CA(SA)
Chief Executive Officer
The incidence of breast cancer among South African women and men is increasing and it is one of the most common cancers among women in South Africa.
In honour of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, we would like to recognise all breast cancer survivors and extend our support to those warriors battling breast cancer out. Let’s all join forces in raising breast cancer awareness, and encourage both men and women to get examined regularly; the best protection is early detection.
The biggest national countdown has also started; Matric examinations will start on Wednesday 23 October 2019 and will continue for five weeks. The Fasset team would like to wish every matriculant, mentor, parent, educator and coach assisting a learner during this exam season all the best in this journey! Let’s encourage our learners to treat the matric exams just like the other tests they’ve passed and they'll swim through the questions like the olympic fish!
We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate the Springboks for one of the most remarkable and important wins against the Canada yesterday in the Rugby World Cup.
Fasset's Annual General Meeting and Thank You Function
"Recognising skills as the key currency in our sector." - this statement adorns the cover of the Financial and Accounting Services Sector Education and Training Authority's (Fasset) Annual Integrated Report 2018 - 2019, where Fasset recognises that without skills, there can be no growth in this dynamic sector.
At the Seta's Annual General Meeting (AGM) and Thank You function, which was held on the 26th of September 2019 at The Venue, Melrose Arch; hosted by the Fasset Board and CEO, one consistent African theme wound its way through the proceedings - "Thuma mina" was a consistent message brought across, meaning send me to implement change and transformation of the financial and accounting services sector. Putting aside the quiet, reserved and desk bound connotations of the word "Accountant"; Fasset once again proved it is vibrant, alive and ready to tackle South Africa's skills development challenges.
Attendees of the AGM and Thank You Function were treated to a distinctly African atmosphere, a polished host, (Khaya Sithole), insightful speeches and a breath-taking, high energy musical performances by Buskaid and the Soweto Gospel Choir. We would like to thank all stakeholders for attending this important event and for celebrating our achievements with us.
Fasset welcomes new staff members
It gives me great pleasure to welcome the following staff members to the Fasset family:
- Ms. Maria Matlosa, who is joining us in her capacity as the Corporate Services Director. Ms Matlosa will be overseeing the following functions; Information and Communication Techonology, Human Resources, Marketing and Communications as well as Operations.
- Mr. Moferefere Dhlamini, who is joining us in his capacity as the Legal Manager. Mr. Dhlamini will be responsible for all legal and labour relations matters for Fasset.
- Mr. Ayanda Shangase, who is our new Grants Specialist.
We welcome our new colleagues and wish them all the success in their professional journey with us.
Upcoming Lifelong Learning Events
Lifelong learning provides training support to employers of all sizes nationally, including rural areas; and content for these training events is tailor made to suit both finance and non-finance professionals in the sector. These training events are well supported by the sector, and Fasset strives to develop training events that are relevant, current and that add value to its members.
Check out the upcoming Life-long learning seminars for the month of November in our Events Calendar. We will be hosting the Risk Management and Labour Law and Labour Relations workshops are coming up in October and November 2019.
Diarise the events that are most relevant to you and make your booking to reserve your seat. We look forward to hosting you at these seminars where best practice in our sector is shared.
Training Incentive Grant
Is your organisation planning to provide training to staff, or your respective professional body is planning to run CPD training for its members and non-members? Fasset incentives its members for training, click here for more details and application criteria.

It gives us great pleasure to announce our new offices at King Hintsa TVET College in the Eastern Cape; as well as Majuba TVET College in KwaZulu-Natal have been successfully launched. The main aim of these two offices is to extend our reach to employers in the regions and to expand on our career awareness programme. The employers in the sector are encouraged to visit us at those offices if they need any information about Fasset benefits available to them.
The contact details of the two additional satellite offices are as follows:
King Hintsa TVET College – Eastern Cape
Contact person: Sandisiwe Notununu
68 Doran Street, Willowvale, 5043
Tel: 047 499 1318
Fax: 086 603 0193
Majuba TVET College – KwaZulu-Natal
Contact person: Sinenhlanhla Ngwenya
4 Tommy Boydell Avenue, Barry Hertzorg Park, Newcastle, 2945
Tel: 034 318 1206
Fax: 034 318 1262
Fasset Success Stories
Non-levy paying employers can register with Fasset and enjoy Seta benefits and incentives such as attending free training events. Click here to download the registration form.
Fasset Success Stories
Please write to us and let us celebrate your successes with you! We always love to hear back from those who have completed Fasset-funded programmes so that we can share those encouraging stories with our sector. We share these via email as well on our Facebook page.
Do we have your correct details?
If any of your particulars have changed, please contact Fasset at 086 101 0001 or via email at fassetcallcentre@fasset.org.za, so that we can update your details on our database. You can also login to verify or update your details.
