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FASSET | Annual Integrated Report 2022/23

            1.  INTRODUCTION

            The Financial and Accounting Services Sector      enable delivery of appropriate outputs to those whom
            Education and Training Authority (FASSET) is a public   its operations impact.
            entity established in terms of the Skills Development
            Act 97 of 1998; and listed as a Schedule 3A entity   During the Financial Year, Management prepared
            as per the Public Finance Management Act 29 of    and submitted relevant policies from various
            1999 (PFMA).                                      departments for the Board’s approval. The Board is
                                                              supported in its functions and duties by the EXCO, the
            The AA relies on the support of its established   ARC, FINCO and the HREMCO, all of which have
            Board Committees which include the Executive      been functional in the reporting period. It is guided
            Committee (EXCO), Audit and Risk Committee (ARC),   by an approved charter in terms of the FASSET
            Finance Committee (FINCO), Human Resources        constitution.
            and Remuneration Committee (HREMCO), and the
            Governance and Strategy Committee (GSC).          King IV

            The AA ensures that FASSET maintains effective and   Meaningful and SETA-wide application of the King
            transparent systems of risk management and internal   IV corporate governance practices is a key starting
            controls by having a functional ARC that is supported   point in ensuring desired governance outcomes.
            by an effective Internal Audit and skilled executive   By aligning its practices with King IV, the principles
            management.                                       of which apply to the reporting period, FASSET’s
                                                              approach and commitment to corporate governance
            The AA is responsible for providing strategic direction   has not changed. The Board and Management
            to FASSET and ensuring that the organisation      continue to fully acknowledge the role of good
            achieves its objectives and implements its mandate,   governance across all aspects of FASSET as a vital
            SSP and strategy as approved by the Executive     component of sustainable value creation.
            Authority. The AA is accountable to the Executive
            Authority and Parliament.                         The shift to King IV was managed as a project,
                                                              with responsibility for each principle assigned to
            Parliament, the Executive Authority (the Minister of   appropriate functional business areas. The working
            Higher Education, Science and Innovation) and     committees that were put in place comprised
            the Board of FASSET are responsible for corporate   senior representatives of the strategy and planning
            governance.                                       committee (including risk), human resources
                                                              (including remuneration), finance, governance, ICT,
            FASSET’s commitment to governance controls include   Internal Audit, and the executive Management team
            a code of conduct, SLAs and declarations of conflict   with the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) as project
            of interest.                                      champion, and the Company Secretary as the head
                                                              of governance. This inclusive approach ensures a
            Corporate governance embodies the processes       SETA-wide understanding of the principles and multi-
            and systems by which public entities are directed,   function application of the practices. It also facilitates
            controlled and held to account.                   governance leadership and accountability. The
                                                              working groups benchmarked existing governance
            Good corporate governance is key to achieving     practices against King IV practices to identify areas
            FASSET’s vision of facilitating the achievement   for improvement.
            of world-class finance and accounting skills and
            it also supports FASSET’s values of good ethics,
            accountability and innovation.

            FASSET’s AA recognises that ethical and effective
            leadership is the starting point of corporate
            governance. The tone at the top creates the
            foundation for good governance. Simply put, FASSET,
            from its leadership to its staff on the ground, both
            individually and collectively, expects compliance with
            standards of good ethics and effectiveness which

                                                             Make the future count.
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