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FASSET | Annual Integrated Report 2022/23

            Report of the Auditor-General to Parliament on the Financial and
            Accounting Services Sector Education and Training Authority
            Report on the Audit of the Financial Statements

            Other matter

            21.  I draw attention to the matter below.

            Achievement of planned targets
            22.  The Annual Performance Report includes information on reported achievements against planned targets
                 and provides explanations for over- and under-achievements.

            23.  The public entity plays a key role in delivering services to South Africans. The Annual Performance Report
                 includes the following service delivery achievements against planned targets:

                          Key service delivery indicators not achieved      Planned target
                  Programme 2: Skills Planning
                  Targets achieved: 83%    Budget spent: 72%
                  2,5 Number of small firms WSP/ATR approved, and Mandatory      600              596
                      Grant paid annually
                  Programme 3: Learning Programmes and Projects
                  Targets achieved: 89%    Budget spent: 41%
                  3,13 Number of unemployed learners who complete                250              228
                      qualification via bursary programme annually
                  3,19 Number of TVET students who complete a National           300              290
                      Diploma internship annually
                  3.21 Number of small businesses supported through              700               78
                      discretionary funding annually
                  3,30 Number of unemployed learners entering a bursary          433              290
                      programme (continuing)

            24.  Reasons for the underachievement of targets are included in the Annual Performance Report on page 49 to  66.

            Report on compliance with legislation

            25.  In accordance with the PAA and the general notice issued in terms thereof, I must Audit and report on
                 compliance with applicable legislation relating to financial matters, financial management and other related
                 matters. The accounting authority is responsible for the public entity’s compliance with legislation.

            26.  I performed procedures to test compliance with selected requirements in key legislation in accordance with
                 the findings engagement methodology of the Auditor-General of South Africa (AGSA). This engagement is
                 not an assurance engagement. Accordingly, I do not express an assurance opinion or conclusion.

            27.  Through an established AGSA process, I selected requirements in key legislation for compliance testing
                 that  are  relevant  to  the  financial  and  performance  management  of  the  public  entity,  clear  to  allow
                 consistent measurement and evaluation, while also sufficiently detailed and readily available to report in an
                 understandable manner. The selected legislative requirements are included in the annexure to this Auditor’s

            28.  I did not identify any material non-compliance with the selected legislative requirements.

            Make the future count.                                                                      | 107
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