Page 119 - Fasset_AR_2023_E
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FASSET | Annual Integrated Report 2022/23

                      Legislation                                Sections or regulations
             National Treasury Instruction   Par. 1; Par. 2; Par. 4.8;
             No. 5 of 2020/21             Par. 4.9; Par. 5.3
             National Treasury Instruction 07  Par. 4.3
             of 2017/18
             National Treasury Instruction   par 6
             4A of 2016/17
             National Treasury Instruction   Par. 3.4
             note 4 of 2015/16
             Practice Note 7 of 2009/10   Par 4.1.2
             Practice Note 5 of 2009/10   Par.3.3
             PFMA                         PFMA 35(4); PFMA 38(1)(b);
                                          PFMA 44; PFMA 45(b); PFMA 51(1)(b)(ii);
                                          PFMA 51(1)(e)(iii); PFMA 52(b);
                                          PFMA 54(2)(c), (d); PFMA 57(b);
                                          PFMA 55(1)(a), (b);
                                          PFMA 55(1)(c)(i)
             PPPFA                        definition “”acceptable tender””;
                                          section 2(1)(a) and (b);
                                          Par. 2(1)(f)
             Preferential Procurement     Reg. 9(1), 9(5)
             Regulations 2011
             Preferential Procurement     under functionality;
             Regulations 2017             Reg. 4(1), 4(2);
                                          Reg. 5(1), 5(3), 5(6), 5(7);
                                          Reg. 6(8);
                                          Reg. 7(8);
                                          Reg. 8(2), 8(5);
                                          Reg. 9(1); Reg. 10(1);
                                          Reg. 11(1);
             Preferential Procurement reg   Reg. 4(4)
             CIBD Act                     Section 18(1)
             CIBD regulations             Reg. 17; Reg. 25(7A)
             SBD                          SBD 6.2 issued in 2015/16
             SITA Act                     Section 7(3)
             Public Service regulation    Reg. 18(1), (2)
             PRECCA                       Section 34(1)
             Grants regulations           GNR.990 2(1);
                                          GNR.990 3(3) & (4);
                                          GNR.990 4(3), (8);
                                          GNR.990 6(9)(iii);

            Make the future count.                                                                      | 111
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