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FASSET | Annual Integrated Report 2022/23


                                                              once again, thereby ensuring that individuals were
                                                              presented with all the support they need to enhance
                                                              their skills and become part of a high-performance
                                                              culture. To strengthen staff morale, a Wellness
                                                              Day was hosted to engage internal stakeholders.
                                                              Awareness was focussed on topics such as:  HIV
                              Thulile Khanyile                testing, cholesterol and prostate cancer to name a
                              Human Resources Manager

                                                              The FASSET digital platforms are also utilised to
            Human Resources                                   disseminate information regarding health matters such
                                                              as workplace stress which can have a negative effect
            The FASSET strategy and skills development initiatives   on the performances of personnel.
            are aligned with national imperatives, including the
            Human Resources Development Strategy for South    The year under review also saw a heightened focus
            Africa, and support its goals and objectives, the   on training for the staff in various soft skills that
            Medium-Term Strategic Framework, the NSDP and     enhanced their communication capabilities which
            the White Paper for PSET.  Taking into account the   added value to stakeholder relations, other topics
            profile of the Financial and Accounting Services   contributed towards their knowledge and expertise
            sector, which does not reflect the demographics of   in operating within a working environment. This
            the country, FASSET has aligned its strategy and   was provided through a third party and contributed
            skills development priorities to transformation charters   greatly to staff embracing skills transfer. FASSET
            such as the Financial Sector Charter, which seeks to   continues to use a hybrid working model as a
            increase the participation of African Black people   solution to the shortage of office space therefore
            and people with disabilities into our sector.     staff works on a rotational basis from home with
                                                              online assistance from ICT, through the provision of
            Value Proposition                                 laptops, data, a server, etc. With regard to training
                                                              and developing of staff, internal as well as formal
            The FASSET Human Resource function continued with   education opportunities, the target for the reporting
            its mission to support the FASSET staff with various   year was 80% and a success rate of 92% was
            initiatives, some new and others enhanced for bigger   achieved.
            impact. The wellness programme was a highlight

                                               FASSET 2022/23 Intern intake

                                                             Make the future count.
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