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FASSET | Annual Integrated Report 2022/23

            A new internship policy was also proposed,        Other Interventions and Highlights
            accepted and implemented. Tying in with its mandate
            and contributing towards decreasing the high        •  FASSET established the women’s and men’s
            unemployment rate, FASSET successfully offered         forums where the committees will engage on
            work base training to a total of 20 of interns in this   socio-economic matters of grieve concern. This
            reporting year. The internship categories included the   will work as an outlet for staff.
            TVET Work-Based Experience Programme where TVET     •  To promote a healthy workforce and creative
            learners with an N6 in Management were offered the     outlet, it was also decided that FASSET would
            opportunitry to complete their 18 months at FASSET.    establish a soccer team, netball team and choir
            The other category was the higher education and        which will commence in the 2023/24 Financial
            training (HET) internship which offers experiential    Year.
            learning to undergraduates.
                                                                •  FASSET ensured that staff celebrated key
                                                                   calendar days such as Heritage Day where staff
                                                                   dressed in traditional attire and brought a dish
                                                                   from their chosen tribe for all to enjoy.

                               Mr Njabulo Mabuza                                Ms Silindile Zulu

                  I graduated with an Advanced Diploma           My name is Silindile Zulu and I graduated
                  in Financial Management in 2020 and            with a BCom Accounting degree in
                  joined the FASSET team as an Intern in         2020. I joined FASSET in March, 2022
                  February 2022 after participating in a TV      as a Programmes Quality Assurance
                  Show called The Chair. The journey has         (PQA) Administrator Intern and on 1
                  been spontaneous and challenging, but          October I was permanently employed as
                  because of hard work and dedication I was      a Learnerships Administrator. My journey
                  permanently employed as a Learnership          with FASSET has been incredible. I have
                  Administrator at FASSET as of                  gained many skills from my colleagues
                  1 October 2022. Through the projects and       and improved a lot on my negotiating and
                  wellness activities provided by FASSET,        problem-solving skills, as we deal with that
                  I strongly believe that I have received        on a day-to-day basis with stakeholders.
                  the support and motivation to assist the
                  company in adding value and making the         Working at FASSET, gave me the
                  future count. Working as a FASSET Intern       experience of working in a good
                  was inspiring, motivating and encouraging.     environment as everyone is welcoming
                  I was reporting to my line manager who is      and always willing to assist. The mental
                  also my mentor – Ms Mamarothi Mathibe,         health awareness campaigns that FASSET
                  FASSET Programme Manager.                      hosts help us a lot as we learn how to cope
                                                                 under stressful working conditions. The
                  The journey was incredibly challenging,        workshops that are usually organised by the
                  however through mentorship, support and        Human Resources department really helps
                  coaching from all departments within           with career development.
                  FASSET, I overcame all the obstacles,
                  difficulties and made my future count.

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