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FASSET | Annual Integrated Report 2022/23

            1.  Auditor’s Report: PREDETERMINED OBJECTIVES

            The AGSA currently performs the necessary Audit   report to management. Refer to page 104 of the AIR
            procedures on the performance information to      for the Auditor’s Report, published in Part E: Financial
            provide reasonable assurance in the form of an Audit   Information.
            conclusion. The Audit conclusion on the performance
            against predetermined objectives is included in the


            2.1  Service Delivery Environment                 Skills Plan report published in the year 2021/2022,
                                                              the total employment for FAS sector total to 172 387.
                                                              In the 2023/2024 Sector Skills Plan the total reported
                                                              employment profile presented a total of 102 662
                                                              employees. This is indicative of the under-reporting of
                                                              the sector employment which is attributed to a very
                              Abongile Tsotsi                 low number of WSP/ATR data submissions.
                              Assistant Strategic Planning
                              Manager                         Skills Planning and Research

                                                              Execution of sound and comprehensible projects
            SITUATIONAL ANALYSIS                              require rigorous thought process which is coupled
                                                              with in-depth research and skills planning. FASSET is
            FASSET has a proud tradition of trailblazing over a   no exception in this regard as the implementation of
            period that spans more than two decades. It’s been   its programmes requires rigorous skills planning and
            an odyssey since the organisation came to the fore,   research in order to abide by the requirements of the
            with significant strides being attained in the learning   PSET system. FASSET does not operate in silos as it is
            sphere in South Africa.                           guided by national frameworks, plans and strategies.
                                                              The White Paper for Post-School Education and
            Service Delivery Environment                      Training and the NSDP 2030 in essence state that:
                                                              SETAs need to conduct research in order to inform
            FASSET serves an empirical role in the FAS sector   their sector skills plans which assist in addressing
            as it is a driving force for the advancement of the   skills shortages in their scope of coverage. Research
            sector and playing a significant role of being an   initiatives influence and are incorporated into the
            intermediary between institutions of education    SSP that has been developed for the 2020—2025
            (basic and higher) and the workplace. Through its   period. This fits into the NSDP requirement of research
            tumultuous journey which was also impeded by the   being all vital in the planning of SETA activities and
            past imprints of the country which saw an unequal   interventions.
            distribution of opportunities based on particularly
            race and gender, the organisation has been able to   Through the research that is conducted, SETAs can
            bring about changes to the conventional occupation   allocate funds accordingly and address shortage of
            of workers in the sectors. Through conducting     skills in their respective sectors to avoid addressing
            labour market research, development of the SSP,   issues which are typical drops in the ocean. As
            development of SPs, and development of APPs FASSET   per tradition, in the 2022/2023 Financial Year the
            can tap into vital data which helps them in identifying   research team conducted in-depth research studies
            sector skills and execute programmes which seek to   and assignments, such as transformation in the
            address such.                                     FAS Sector through professional designation and
                                                              transformation in professional bodies.
            Great strides have been achieved since the inception
            of FASSET, however a lot still needs to be done and   This study was conducted in alignment with
            in recent years the growth experienced in terms of   government priority of addressing transformation
            employment in the FAS Sector has been dwindling   across all sectors, particularly transformation as it
            with a downwards spiral. According to our Sector   relates to gender and race.

                                                             Make the future count.
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