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FASSET | Annual Integrated Report 2022/23

            This can be considered positive due to the FAS Sector   well as FASSET’s targets, which aim to increase youth
            being predominantly a sector with young people,   employment by 2030 are being put into action.
            indicating that national development imperatives as

                                                  The largest concentration of
                                                 employers is found in Gauteng
                                               (58%); 21% are in the Western Cape
                                               and 9% are based in KwaZulu-Natal.
                                                The North West (1%) and Northern
                                                   Cape (1%) host the lowest
                                                    number of employers in       SUB-SECTORS:
                                                         the sector.
                             TOTAL                                               There are seven sub-
                                                                             sectors: Investment Entities and
                          EMPLOYMENT                                         Trusts and Company Secretarial
                      According to the results of the                      Services; Stockbroking and Financial
                      FASSET (2021) sector survey.                         Markets; Development Organisations;
                    The FAS sector reported a total of                      Accounting, Bookkeeping, Auditing
                      103 034 employees for the                             and Tax Services; Activities Auxiliary
                      2021/2022 nancial period,                           to Financial Intermediation; Business
                    following a decrease of 40% from    FASSET                and Management Consulting
                         2020 to 2021 (over                                     Services; and SARS and
                         69 000 employees).           SECTOR AT                     government
                                                      A GLANCE                      Departments.

                                       GENDER                            GROUPS
                               More than half of the workforce is   Clerical Support Workers,
                                   composed of women.            Managers and Professionals made
                              57% of employees in the FAS sector    up more than 60 % of the
                                       are women.                   workforce in which women
                                                                         are dominant.

                 Source: Trends in Employment & Training in the FASSET Sector report, revised version February 2023.

                                                             Make the future count.
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