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FASSET | Annual Integrated Report 2022/23

            The SSP for the Financial Year 2023/2024 provides   education level, thereby increasing the pipeline to
            vital knowledge for the FASSET Board to grab the   feed into the FAS sector.
            bull by its horns and make decisions concerning the
            allocation of funding and interventions needed to   Organisational Environment
            meet both sectoral and national priorities. In addition,
            the Sectoral Priority Occupations and Interventions   FASSET has shown significant performance in the
            skills list was generated in order to better cluster   Financial Year under review. This has been realised
            industry requirements through the Workplace Skills   due to the dedication of FASSET staff and support
            Plan (WSP) and Annual Training Report (ATR) and   of the AA Committees. Despite the notable changes
            endorsed by the FASSET Board. The Sectoral Priority   in staff that were necessitated by resignations and
            Occupations list includes the following according to   suspensions, FASSET has not lost stability and focus.
            2023/2024 SSP:                                    In instances where positions vacated were critical,
            1.   External Auditor                             the executive management expedited the recruitment
                                                              process to ensure that such positions do not stay
            2.   Management Consultant                        unfilled for the longest time.
            3.   Accountant in practice
                                                              FASSET remains very focussed and it has capable
            4.   Finance Manager                              staff that understand their roles in achievement of its
            5.   Financial Accountant                         overall mission. In the Financial Year under review,
                                                              various programmes have been implemented to
            6.   Tax Professional                             capacitate FASSET staff and to ensure employees they
            7.   Financial Investment Advisor                 stay motivated. The programmes implemented include
                                                              amongst others the continuing of staff academic
            8.   Internal Auditor                             funding, short-term training aligned to individual staff
            9.   Software Developer                           needs and hosting a Wellness Day event.
            10.  Compliance Officer                           FASSET is mindful of all these challenges and we
                                                              have over the past two Financial Years started to
            Impediments for Skills Planning                   implement a Mathematics, Accounting and English
                                                              programme for high-school pupils. The role of this
            The FASSET sub-sectors are not immune to problems   programme is to address inefficiencies at basic
            affecting skills planning as the exposer to global   education level, thereby increasing the pipeline to
            trade guarantees consistency changes. The COVID   feed into the FAS sector.
            19 pandemic came about during the time when
            South Africa was still grappling with the challenges
            brought by the Fourth Industrial Revolution.      Summary of Sector Employment Profile

            South Africa has particularly unique problem that   In the 2021/2022 period, the Black demographic
            makes coping with 4IR even more complex, this     (Black African, Coloured, Indian/Asian) together
            problem relates to poor performance in Mathematics,   occupied 71% of the jobs in the sector. Black African
            Science and Arithmetic. The Progress in International   people occupied 52% of jobs in the sector, while
            Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) 2021 study showed   the White population occupied 27% of the jobs in
            that 81% of South African Grade 4 pupils, across   the sector. African Black people occupied 59% of
            all 11 official languages, cannot read for meaning.   managerial positions, 46% of professional positions
            This is the biggest problem as it is an underlying   and 57% of technical positions, which could be
            reason for poor comprehension of pupils at basic   considered as a note of positivity pertaining to
            education level. The consequence of this is the very   transformation in the sector. The sector comprises of
            limited number of candidates who qualify to study   102 662 employees compared to a previous of
            Accounting and Finance programmes at tertiary     172 387 which is a cause for concern for the SETA.
            education level.                                  The workforce in the sector is dominated by females
                                                              with 57% occupying positions in the sector. The
            FASSET is mindful of all these challenges and we   youth (35 years and younger) occupied 47% of the
            have over the past two Financial Years started to   workforce which can be a step in the right direction.
            implement a Mathematics, Accounting and English
            programme for high-school pupils. The role of this
            programme is to address inefficiencies at basic

            Make the future count.                                                                       | 23
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