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FASSET | Annual Integrated Report 2022/23


            PART A: GENERAL INFORMATION                                                                    1

            1.  PUBLIC ENTITY’S GENERAL INFORMATION                                                        2
            2.  LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS/ACRONYMS                                                             3
            3.  LETTER TO THE MINISTER                                                                     5
            4.  FASSET APPROACH TO INTEGRATED REPORTING                                                    6
                 4.1  Scope                                                                                6
                 4.2  Reporting framework                                                                  6
                 4.3  Assurance                                                                            6
                 4.4  Accounting Authority responsibility                                                  6
                 4.5  Approval                                                                             6
            5.  FOREWORD BY THE CHAIRPERSON                                                                7
            6.  CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER’S OVERVIEW                                                         9
                 THE ANNUAL REPORT                                                                        13
            8.  STRATEGIC OVERVIEW                                                                        14
                 8.1  About us                                                                            14
                 8.2  Our strategy                                                                        14
                 8.3  Vision                                                                              15
                 8.4  Mission                                                                             15
                 8.5  Values                                                                              15
                 8.6  Aligning with the National Skills Development Plan                                  15
                 8.7  FASSET’s material issues                                                            17
            9.  LEGISLATIVE AND OTHER MANDATES                                                            18
            10.  ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE                                                                 19

            PART B: PERFORMANCE INFORMATION                                                               21

            1.  Auditor’s Report: PREDETERMINED OBJECTIVES                                                22
            2.  OVERVIEW OF PERFORMANCE                                                                   22
                 2.1  Service delivery environment                                                        22
                 2.2  Organisational environment                                                          23
                 2.3  Key policy developments and legislative changes                                     27
                 2.4  Progress towards achievement of institutional impacts and outcomes                  27
                 2.5  Programme highlights                                                                28
                 2.6  Performance information                                                             49
                 2.7  Reporting on the institutional response to the Covid-19 pandemic                    66
            3.  REVENUE COLLECTION                                                                        67
            4.  CAPITAL INVESTMENT                                                                        67

            Make the future count.                                                                        | iii
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