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FASSET | Annual Integrated Report 2022/23

            PART C: GOVERNANCE                                                                            69

            1.  INTRODUCTION                                                                              70
            2.  PORTFOLIO COMMITTEES                                                                      71
            3.  EXECUTIVE AUTHORITY                                                                       71
            4.  THE NATIONAL SKILLS AUTHORITY                                                             71
            5.  THE ACCOUNTING AUTHORITY                                                                  72
                 5.1  Introduction                                                                        72
                 5.2  The role of the Accounting Authority                                                72
                 5.3  Board Charter and Code of Conduct                                                   72
                 5.4  Composition of the Accounting Authority (Board)                                     73
                 5.5  Board and Board committees                                                          76
                 5.6  Remuneration of Board members                                                       82
            6.  RISK MANAGEMENT                                                                           82
            7.   RISK MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE                                                                83
            8.  Internal Audit FUNCTION                                                                   85
            9.  COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS AND REGULATIONS                                                      86
            10.  FRAUD AND CORRUPTION                                                                     86
            11.  MINIMISING CONFLICT OF INTEREST                                                          86
            12.  CODE OF CONDUCT                                                                          87
            13.  HEALTH SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES                                                   87
            14.  COMPANY SECRETARY                                                                        87
            15.  SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY                                                                    88
            16.  Audit AND RISK COMMITTEE REPORT                                                          88
                 16.1 Audit and Risk Committee responsibility                                             88
                 16.2 The effectiveness of internal control                                               89
                 16.3 In-year management and monthly/Quarterly Report                                     90
                 16.4 Evaluation of Annual Financial Statements                                           90
                 16.5 Auditor’s Report                                                                    90
            17.  B-BBEE COMPLIANCE PERFORMANCE INFORMATION                                                91

            PART D: HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT                                                             93

            1.  HUMAN RESOURCE OVERSIGHT STATISTICS                                                       94
                 1.1  Personnel-related expenditure                                                       97
                 1.2  Performance rewards                                                                 97
                 1.3  Training                                                                            97
                 1.4  Employment and Vacancies                                                            98
                 1.5  Employment Changes                                                                  98
                 1.6  Equity Target and Employment Equity Status                                          99

            PART E: FINANCIAL INFORMATION                                                                101

            Annexure to the Auditor’s Report                                                             109
            Statement of Financial Position as at 31 March 2023                                          112

                                                             Make the future count.
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