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FASSET | Annual Integrated Report 2022/23
Table 4: Executive Committee
Name Number of meetings attended Constituency
Ms Lynette Ntuli 0 Independent Chairperson
Mr James Maboa 0 Organised Labour
Mr Xola Lingani 0 Organised Labour
Mr Bongani Mathibela 0 Organised Employer
Ms Malebo Magasa 0 Organised Employer
The primary responsibilities of the FINCO include monitoring and reporting on financial operations, internal
financial policies and budget performance; consolidating and recommending the annual budget for
presentation to the Board; providing guidelines for reporting on levy collections and grant disbursements; and
considering and recommending financial reports.
Table 5: Finance Committee
Name Number of meetings attended Constituency
Ms Mopo Mushwana, Chairperson 4 Organised Employer
Mr James Maboa 3 Organised Labour
Ms Tlakale Phatlane 4 Organised Employer
Ms Angel Nyathela-Mahanjana 4 Organised Employer
Mr Peterson Khumalo 4 Organised Employer
Mr Nthato Mapiloko 4 Organised Labour
Ms Malebo Magasa Organised Employer
The core role of the GSC includes developing policies, principles, criteria and guidelines for governance and
strategy; providing strategic direction to the skills development strategy of the sector; monitoring adherence to
the codes of conduct/ethics; governing compliance with applicable laws; and setting the direction for FASSET’s
approach to corporate citizenship.
The Committee considered, reviewed and noted the following recommendations to the Board:
• CEO’s Quarterly Report;
• Project Performance Management Report;
• ICT Project Reports with regard to Special Projects;
• Board development work plan and Board assessments; and
• Recommendations to the Board on Board and Governance policies including organisational Delegations
of Authority and Committee Charter and Workplan.
Special recommendations as mandated by the Board included the following:
• Final Strategic Plan;
• Annual Performance Plan;
• Service Level Agreement for 2022/23; and
• Lifelong Learning incentive grant.
Make the future count. | 77