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FASSET | Annual Integrated Report 2022/23
The following policies were developed by the Committee and recommended to the Board for approval:
• Working From Home Policy; and
• Health and Safety Policy.
The Committee also considered for recommendation to the Board to following matters:
• The Quarterly HR Status Reports;
• Review and approval of the Recognition Agreement;
• NEHAWU demands;
• Noting of performance review of the CEO;
• Noting of the Performance Agreements of the CEO and Company Secretary as recommended by the 360
Review Panel;
• The Committee also received the recommendations of the employee satisfaction and culture survey and
recommendations on the organogram following the recommendations from the Skills Audit; and
• The Committee provides oversight on the Labour Relations department through interrogation of the
quarterly Labour Relations reports.
Table 7: Human Resources and Remuneration Committee
Name Number of meetings attended Constituency
Mr Mbasa Metuse 4 Organised Labour
Ms Thandi Masemola 5 Organised Labour
Mr Nthato Mapiloko 5 Organised Labour
Mr Tlakale Phatlane 5 Organised Labour
Ms Pumla Ngwenya 4 Organised Employer
The ARC is made up of four independent members and two Board representatives. The ARC has oversight
responsibilities for financial management; internal controls; management of risks and monitoring of risk
management policy and planning; compliance with laws, regulations, and ethics; accounting and financial
reporting; and internal and external Audit functions. The collective skills and expertise of the members of this
Committee include extensive knowledge of and expertise in public sector accounting, GRAP standards, the
PFMA, National Treasury Regulations, ICT governance, and King IV.
The organisation has established an ICT Steering Committee reporting to the ARC. The Committee is chaired
by an independent Chairperson, Dr Charles Motau, and meets once a quarter. The Chairperson is remunerated
in terms of the AA and Committees Remuneration Policy. The Committee consists of members of the Executive
Management team.
The Committee’s responsibilities are defined in terms
of King IV under Principle 12 on Technology and
Information and the ICT Governance Framework that
is informed by the other governance and regulatory
documents already mentioned. King IV recognises
Dr Charles Motaung that information and technology overlap. They are
Chairperson of the ICT Steering also “distinct sources of value creation which pose
Committee individual risks and opportunities”. King IV thus refers
not to ‘information technology’ but to ‘technology and
information’ to make this distinction clear.
King IV emphasises that the governing body (a function delegated to the ARC) should govern technology and
information in a way that supports the organisation in defining core purpose and to set and achieve strategic
Make the future count. | 79