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FASSET | Annual Integrated Report 2022/23

                           SUCCESS STORIES

                                      The computer donation from FASSET has helped us a lot to improve
                                      our computer skill, we are now able to do our research and business
                                      proposal. We have also got an opportunity to be part of NEMISA digital
                                      programme using the same computer donated by FASSET in our centre.
                                      We learned a lot in digital entrepreneurship; how to set up a digital
                                      business and how to create a learner canvas.

                                      As the students of 121 Battallion, we really appreciate everything that FASSET
                  Lungile Myeni       has done in our Community Learning Centre. Now we have our own email
                                      addresses and we are now exposed to the 4IR.

                           INTERNSHIP PROGRAMME – MS ZINTLE MASETI

                    y name is Zintle Maseti, a 24-year-old,   by the Ubuntu Institute looking for college
               Mborn and bred in Aliwal North, Eastern   graduates who seek assistance. . I thought
               Cape. I completed my N6 at Motheo TVET    to myself this is finally an opportunity
               College Bloemfontein Campus, where I      that is going to allow me to complete my
               obtained my qualification as Management   qualification and at the same time help
               Assistant in 2018.                        me to fund my business. I applied,
                                                         prayed about it, and one day got
               I found it challenging to get in-service   a call from Ubuntu to sign my
               training opportunities, to the extent where   employment contract.
               it affected my self esteem.                             I now work as
               The FASSET Graduate                                     an intern at
               Readiness programme was          “I applied,            the Walter
               the breakthrough I have         prayed about            Sisulu Local
               been waiting for. It gave me                            Municipality,
               the opportunity to complete       it, and one           as an assistant
               my course and to obtain my                              in the office
               National Diploma.               day got a call          of the Mayor.
               I am a person who believes      from Ubuntu             Daily, I learn
               in finishing what I have                                more about my
               started, and without my          to sign my             job and have
               in-service training my N6       employment              already improved
               certificate felt incomplete.                            to the extent where
                                                 contract.”            I am doing many
               Before I embarked on the                                tasks on my own.
               programme, I was trying
               to get my business off the                              I am grateful
               ground, and had no financial support. I was   to have been granted this
               looking for opportunities on how I could fund  opportunity and realise that without   Ms Zintle
               my business. I remember browsing through   FASSET I would still be struggling.
               my Facebook feed and stumbled upon a                                                  Maseti
               recruitment advert shared by one of my
               social network friends and originally posted

            Make the future count.                                                                       | 31
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