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FASSET | Annual Integrated Report 2022/23

                           ICT INFRASTRUCTURE

                                                              Industry-education partnerships are collaborative
                                                              efforts that have brought the Vhembe TVET
                                Ms BR Hlekane                 College, businesses and community together to
                                Vhembe TVET College           address our mutual interest in higher education.
                                Principal                     Partnerships have enabled us to advance the
                                                              educational development within the College and
                                                              to address skills scarcity needs. This has provided
                                                              stakeholders an opportunity to contribute towards
                               Vhembe TVET College is         curriculum building and student development.
                             celebrating 60 years of service of
                          continued efforts to build institutional   The FASSET has recently contributed resources
               legacies for generations to follow. From the   towards our College. Financial management
               College’s inception in 1963                                   students were granted a
               as Finyazwanda to becoming                                    donation for an Accounting
               Vhembe TVET College, the                                      Laboratory. The laboratory
               transition have birthed one of                                was fitted with computers and
               the largest TVET Colleges in the     “As a College            tablets for curriculum stimulation.
               country with seven campuses        we are humbled             The laboratory was unveiled
               and a hospitality centre. Vhembe                              during our diamond jubilee
               TVET College operates within        by the support            celebrations and has since been
               the northern hemisphere,                                      fully functional and expanded the
               where the community remains         we continue to            learning experience for students.
               disadvantaged. As a College,        enjoy from our            Furthermore, FASSET has pledged
               we are dedicated to contributing                              to support 50 students for Work-
               towards the transformation of the    stakeholders.            integrated Learning. Investments
               district.                             Our success             of this dimension continue to play
                                                                             a pivotal role in enhancing the
               We have campaigned for the              reflects a            skills of  students.
               4IR as TVET Colleges and are
               currently preparing for the 5th        joint effort           The College is gradually
               Industrial Revolution. As TVET       from internal            becoming self-sufficient by
               Colleges in the 21st Century we                               utilising internal resources to
               have an opportunity to accelerate     and external            the benefit of the College. It is
               digital revolutions. TVET Colleges   stakeholders”.           pleasing to experience a joint
               are at the centre of the digital                              effort from the students and staff
               era through combining academic                                to accelerate the self-sufficiency
               studies with professional training                            of the College through initiatives
               in the same higher education                                  such as  the sewing plant,
               setting. This is a reality currently happening in   hydroponic farming and hospitality centre, to
               practice in higher educational institutions across   name a few.
               the globe. By aligning with global best practice
               certifications in higher education curriculum in   We have not always led the pack, but we remain
               running parallel to core undergraduate and     committed to becoming the top TVET College
               postgraduate studies then our students, when   in South Africa. To that end, we will engage all
               starting employment, have already developed an   relevant parties to ensuring that Vhembe TVET
               understanding of certain professional capabilities.  College becomes the first College of choice.

               Our success as a College can additionally be
               attributed to the support we have received from
               external stakeholders through partnerships.

            Make the future count.                                                                       | 33
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