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FASSET | Annual Integrated Report 2022/23
2.5.2 Communications and Stakeholder Direct Relations with Stakeholders
Engagement Management
Stakeholder relations enjoyed a high priority in
2022/23 and prompted the FASSET CEO to embark
on building high-level platforms to engage with
stakeholders. This included the CEO Roadshow,
as well as the talktoCEO mailbox. It was further
extended to building on the capability to engage
Vusi Mahlangu external stakeholders through the call centre and,
Communications and internally, through allowing for team and knowledge-
Stakeholder Engagement building activities in cooperation with Human
Manager Resources. CEO engagements with stakeholders
offered an opportunity to get to know the CEO
The Communications and Stakeholder Engagement and what she wanted to communicate and achieve
Management Department had a focussed approach through partnering with the different stakeholders in
in this reporting year to bring FASSET to the front the programmes. The CEO attended among other
with its beneficiaries and to engage with stakeholders programme launches, events with professional bodies
and beneficiaries especially in rural and previously and signing ceremonies.
disadvantage areas. Emphasis was to discover, learn,
and repair and to develop innovative methods to FASSET also established the service of a fully
better understand the needs of stakeholders and to functional call centre in this reporting year where
engage to better FASSET’s service deliveries. stakeholders could engage to gain information
and address their needs. Following this high-level
Stakeholder Satisfaction Survey approach in ensuring that the needs of stakeholders
were taken into account enabled FASSET to
FASSET values stakeholder’s engagement and knowledgeably interact internally to formulate the
the important role they play in meeting FASSET’s final strategy for implementation.
mandate hence the implementation of a stakeholder
satisfaction survey. The aim was to ascertain what Career Guide
stakeholders’ understanding of FASSET’s role and
their challenges were, stakeholders’ impressions Career awareness is one of the primary programmes
of FASSET’s operations and processes, and which in the Communications department and it entails the
programmes proved useful and which ones posed delivery of career guidance to learners nationally and
challenges. The survey enabled FASSET to strategise to promote the finance and accounting sector as the
multifaceted interrelations with its stakeholders and to sector of choice.
solidify stakeholder relations. This enabled FASSET to
adjust services and offerings to all its beneficiaries to Some actions in this regard include attendance
enable better delivery and benefits from programmes. of different exhibitions, attending career days,
roadshows, visiting schools in all nine provinces,
Online Presence as well as supporting of DHET initiatives. Career
awareness covers a broad base. Beyond creating
Social media reach increased significantly with brand awareness, career guidance is also offered
Facebook far outperforming other social media to the different levels of stakeholders that get to
platforms. Statistics showed, for example, 27 372 participate in the Financial and Accounting Services
Facebook Followers and 109 884 Profile Visits on sector.
Facebook. This brought greater awareness among
different stakeholder groups of the benefits and Career guidance not only focusses on lower-level
programmes of the SETA. The LinkedIn platform stakeholders such as those in high school, CET’s and
also recorded quite high traffic with 186 736 Post- TVET Colleges but also trickles to those in university
impressions and a total of 3 589 Followers. Instagram and others already in the employment pool for further
has equally showed an increase with 3 186 Profile advancement opportunities.
Visits, 8 495 Accounts Reached and a total of 1 281
Followers. In the reporting period, FASSET overachieved in
its target of supporting 260 career guidance
interventions, the department supported a total of
278 events which was achieved through additional
Make the future count. | 37