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FASSET | Annual Integrated Report 2022/23
participation of provincial executive and management who played a critical role in welcoming programmes
school visits as well as strategic partnerships with the into their communities.
Department of Basic Education, North West Treasury
and other career development drivers. FASSET received warm receptions from the community
leaders, the royal families, and municipalities who
Rural Footprint realised the benefits of the programmes to their
communities and the economy. Highlights included
A particular successful intervention in the reporting launching one of its internship programmes at
year was the launches of different programmes the Linduzulu Royal House in Nongoma with the
across provinces. FASSET had 12 other different royal family fully showcasing the support of Queen
launches spread across three provinces. Starting with Thandekile Jane Ndlovu for the programme and what
KwaZulu-Natal, Limpopo and the Eastern Cape where it will achieve for the community.
four launches each took place, this initiative will be
expanded to other provinces in the new Financial FASSET also had the opportunity to meet the
Year. The launches solidified new programmes such employers that would be accommodating the interns
as the Maths, English and Accounting programme in the programmes. These included local business,
introduced in the previous Financial Year, ICT municipalities and treasuries and other organisations
infrastructure support at TVET Colleges and the CET that are assisting in the placements of learners.
infrastructure support.
The department reached its yearly targets of which
An example of the lengths FASSET went to in ensuring included implementing 100% of its stakeholder
that it was able to extend its stakeholder reach was relations which furthermore increased the national
its interaction with rural communities. Most of the awareness and service delivery amongst internal
programme launches had a focus on rural areas and external stakeholders. The successes are a direct
where strict rules apply in terms of gaining entrance result of the effort taken to invest time, resources, and
to some of these areas and how programmes within effort into the building blocks of strong stakeholder
these areas may be implemented. engagement and reach out to the previously
disadvantage people especially in rural areas.
Different communities among FASSET’s stakeholder
portfolio included royal families and royal councils
FASSET at the Carletonville Career Expo
Make the future count.
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