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FASSET | Annual Integrated Report 2022/23

                           SUCCESS STORIES

                                      FASSET prides itself on lending a helping hand to top achievers
                                      through its Bursary Programme as we believe that financial
                                      obstacles are not reason enough to pause the academic journey of
                                      our future leaders. Ntokozo Mthimunye, hailing from Mpumalanga,
                                      is one such learner that caught the attention of FASSET CEO,
                                      Ms Ayanda Mafuleka, when she reached out seeking for funding
                                      assistance after matriculating with seven distinctions. The results
                                      she achieved proved that she had worked hard to obtain her Matric
            Ntokozo Mthimunye
                                      certification and is a standout learner that should be elevated to
                                      study further. We sat with the learner to get to know her and unravel
                                      her journey:

            1.  Please tell us about yourself. A backstory         and support towards me. All these initiatives
                 of who you are and where you are from?            motivated me to always do more, be better and
                                                                   make wise choices in life and not fall in the
                 I am Ntokozo Mthimunye from Kwagga Fontein        hands of peer pressure. I managed to study hard
                 “A” in Mpumalanga, currently a registered first-  obtained seven distinctions and I was amongst
                 year student at the University of the Western     those who received awards in the category top
                 Cape for a Bachelor’s Degree in Law, four-years   ten performing students for the Matric calendar
                 programme. I come from a poverty-stricken         of 2022 under the Thabisile Hani Municipality.
                 household, partly raised by a single mother
                 of four, who works as an Admin Clerk at the   3.  When did you realise what career you
                 local primary school in Mpumalanga and my         wanted to venture into and how did you
                 father used to work as a Manager at a liquor      come to this choice?
                 company but was later retrenched. Due to these
                 financial strains that we were experiencing at    I realised that I wanted to become a lawyer, due
                 home my grandmother opted to take care of me      to the increasing statistics of the rape in my area
                 financially with her pension grant even though it   and the amount of those rape cases that go
                 was hardly able to cater for all our basic needs   unreported. Older men use children below the
                 and wants.                                        age of 18 for their sexual pleasures in exchange
                                                                   for money and the number of children that are
            2.  How would you describe your                        dropping out of schools because of rape trauma
                 upbringing?                                       is quite alarming. Me being a lawyer would
                                                                   not only be a financial benefit, but it would
                 I would describe my upbringing as humbling        also benefit some of my community members.
                 yet motivating. I would sometimes get to see the       I reside in an area where there is high level of
                 depression that my parents went through due to    illiteracy and I intend on engaging in corporal
                 the stress of not being able to cater for all of us   socio investments in future and educate young
                 (their children) financially. As my family believed   adults and children on the legal procedures that
                 that education is the only key to a better life,   they may use if they were to find themselves in
                 they would ensure that I have all the academic    situations of being victims of rape.
                 resources that I need for a particular academic
                 year, pay for all of my extra classes that were   4.  Where did you hear about FASSET?
                 offered at school and ensure that I was able
                 to pay for transportation with the little money   I came across the FASSET bursary page on
                 that they had as it was quite a distance to walk   Facebook when I was trying to apply for
                 from and to school. All these initiatives that my   bursaries after getting my Matric results. I then
                 family would take regardless of their financial   tried my luck applying for the FASSET bursary,
                 difficulties demonstrated aspects of love, care   hoping that I get funded even though it was

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