Page 44 - Fasset_AR_2023_E
P. 44
FASSET | Annual Integrated Report 2022/23
written that the bursary funded specific fields of programmes in my area to educate older people
studies excluding Law. I hoped for the best and on the aspects and processes of Law as they
applied anyway. are usually likely to fall victim of illegal criminal
5. What motivated you to write to the
FASSET CEO to request financial Ntokozo concluded the sit-down by sharing
assistance? the following words of gratitude: “If it were not
for the FASSET bursary and the CEO I would
I tried applying to multiple bursaries and wrote have been stranded at home, hopeless and
an email to my municipality and circuit asking demotivated in terms of pursuing my educational
for financial assistance but got no response. I goals. I would like to thank the CEO of FASSET
came across the FASSET page on Facebook, for giving me this great opportunity to uplift
saw images of the FASSET bursary doing myself and be able to achieve my academical
CSI campaigns in the rural, underdeveloped goals to change my home situation.”
areas with the CEO in the forefront giving out
education-based motivational speeches, I also Ntokozo’s heartwarming story is only one of
read a story of a young lady who was indebted many that motivates the work FASSET does,
and got financially rescued by the FASSET FASSET CEO, Ms Ayanda Mafuleka, believes
bursary CEO. All these initiatives proved to in opportunities being given to students who
me that the FASSET CEO is passionate and have worked hard and went against all odds to
dedicated towards helping children coming achieve their goals and dreams. “As the CEO
from poor backgrounds with financial assistance I take inspiration from learners like Ntokozo
if they are academically deserving. Hence, I who choose to rise above circumstances and
eventually ended up reaching out. stay focussed. It does not matter where you
come from however, what matters is where you
6. What are your plans in relation to your are going. I wish Ntokozo and the rest of the
career? 2023 class all the best with their studies.” Ms
Mafuleka added.
My plan is to specialise in Law that way I
would increase my opportunities of getting FASSET wishes to see Ntokozo and all other
employed and one day start my own Law firm learners complete their studies and contribute to
and hopefully contribute positively towards the economy.
decreasing South Africa’s high statistics of
unemployment. Specialising would also enable
me to venture into multiple career fields in the
legal sector. I would also like to engage in CSI
Make the future count.
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