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FASSET | Annual Integrated Report 2022/23
FASSET continued to deliver programmes to its We have moved past these challenges and focussed
mandate during the 2022/2023 Financial Year – All on the establishment of good governance.
statutory Board meetings and other sub-committees The upcoming period will see a continuing effort
of the Board meetings were held successfully and to obtain and retain strong skills to steer and open
provided strategic oversight, except the EXCO, due to opportunities for our stakeholders leading towards
governance issues that management and the Board growth and self-sustainability, ultimately contributing
are ceased with temporarily. to a better future for all South Africans.
There were two major Board Resolutions that Non-governmental organisations (NGOs) play a
impacted on the shape of the current Board Structure crucial and decisive part in developing society,
and its Composition. Board resolution 4 of AA promoting citizen participation and improving
in-committee meeting held on the 23 March 2023 communities. It remains our sincere wish to guide
affected the Board composition when the Board FASSET towards its rightful place as a skills developer
appointed myself as the Interim Chairperson to of note as a new era dawns and South Africa rises
replace Ms Lynette Ntuli as the Board Chairperson, stronger than ever to the betterment of all its citizens.
pending final determination by the Minister on the
Board Chairperson in terms of the Skills Development I wish to thank the CEO, Ms Ayanda Mafuleka, and
Act 97 of 1998 as amended. her team for their consistent commitment in serving
the sector and its stakeholders. The results and most
The second major Board Resolution 5(2) of AA targets met testify to a team who shares a common
in-committee meeting held on 30 May 2023 vison and mission.
that impacted on the structure of the Board was
engineered by contravention of Code of Conduct
by members, coupled with desire to enforce Board
discipline and decorum. Mr Bongani Mathibela
Interim Chairperson
Make the future count.
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