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FASSET | Annual Integrated Report 2022/23
Another unique element was realigning our focus in Internally, FASSET supports the goals and objectives
the academic support programme where a need was of the Human Resources Development Strategy
identified to support all Historically Disadvantaged for South Africa and the Medium-Term Strategic
Institutions (HDIs) within the PSET. This programme Framework that indicate economic growth drivers,
offered the learners the same opportunities usually and the NSDP 2030.
provided to those enrolled at the institutions that are
not classified HDIs. The staff complement has over the years grown and
in the reporting year stands at over 71 to address
Attention on the development and growing operational needs. This number included
empowerment of women interns recruited through various TVET and Tertiary
initiatives. Staff morale and organizational culture
was addressed through the establishment of, among
Launching the Executive Women Development others, men’s and women’s forums with further plans
Programme has proven to be a relevant undertaking to leverage national commemorative days such as
for FASSET as the programme takes centre stage as a Youth Days, etc. to forge cohesiveness among staff.
programme of interest for the sector and its workforce. FASSET prides itself in upskilling its internal employees
Initially intended to focus on all genders at executive through planned training and development courses
levels, the reimagined programme responds to a and in the reporting financial year, the target of 80%
much bigger outcry; the development and promotion on the implementation of the workplace skills plan,
of women at management and executive levels. was exceeded with an achievement of 92%.
With the International Women’s Forum South Africa, The year has brought about challenges of its own
Duke Corporate Education and Wits Business School allowing FASSET to learn and re-strategise. One
as our strategic partners, the programme already such challenge occurred during the internalisation
celebrates the graduation of 109 women with a of ICT functions, as an effort to eradicate the over-
target of 2000 to be achieved at completion of the dependence on service providers, FASSET faced
programme in 2025. The programme has become unexpected ICT systems development challenges. The
one of the FASSET Women’s Legacy project. challenges experienced through the delays in the
implementation of the ERP and Odoo MIS systems
Through the strategic partnership with the Graca led to dissatisfied stakeholders however we are
Machel Trust, FASSET has committed to train about immensely grateful for the patience provided to us
600 women led SMMEs through a programme called when alternative processes were used to mitigate this.
Women Creation Wealth Programme. This is another
impactful and transformational effort by FASSET Further to this, key vacancies such as the Chief
to advance women emancipation and economic Information Officer remained vacant until end of
inclusion. this period, however measures were put in place
to ensure continuity and sustainability. Through the
Seeing our graduates return to re-tell their stories and appointment of acting roles, this allowed FASSET to
how the programme has ushered them to a new level provide development opportunities to already existing
of business leadership and decision making, brings staff members.
me conviction that we are on the right track and are
yet to enjoy the positive trajectory of its impact. FASSET commits to continuous improvement in its
operations and excellence remains as the desired
Looking inwards for success outcome in this journey.
FASSET overachieved on its performance targets, In conclusion
and with a target of 84% reached in the previous
financial year, there was a target reach of 90% FASSET has once again proven in 2022/23 that
in the 2022/23 financial year. This, coupled with good governance remains key to successful operation
obtaining an unqualified audit opinion with no and above average achievement.
material findings (Clean Audit) for two consecutive
years, makes for a beautiful story of a planted This can in no small way be ascribed to our bigger
seed that will continue to grow and deliver FASSET family and our loyal stakeholders across the
ethically on its mandate. board who remain instrumental and supportive of
FASSET’s novel approaches.
Make the future count. | 11