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FASSET | Annual Integrated Report 2022/23
8.1 About us implementation of programmes.
• Technology partners.
FASSET, the SETA for the Finance, Accounting,
Management Consulting and other Financial Services 3) Capacity and capability building through an
sector is a Schedule 3A public entity reporting to the efficient FASSET business model
Honourable Minister of Higher Education, Science • Develop dashboard to monitor development
and Innovation, Dr Blade Nzimande, as its Executive and reduce the paper-based approach and
Authority. ensure we are quick and efficient.
We are accountable to Parliament and are 4) Extension of representation and interventions
subject to the oversight of National Treasury in to urban and rural communities in all regions
terms of performance management and financial • Relevant communication strategy to reach
administration. We engage with a broad range of rural areas.
stakeholders to fulfil our mandate, which requires us • Increase access to FASSET products and
to uphold principles of good governance to make a services for the people in the rural areas.
meaningful contribution in skills development for the
benefit of the FASSET sector and the country. • Partner with higher education institutions
(HEIs) in rural areas to identify learners for
We are currently licensed until 31 March 2030 access to programmes.
in line with the National Skills Development Plan • Use District Development Plan to assist rural
(NSDP). The NSDP seeks to ensure that South Africa interventions.
has adequate, appropriate and high-quality skills that 5) Fit for purpose and responsive research and
contribute towards economic growth, employment innovation studies
creation and social development. The plan derives
from the broader plan of government, namely the • Relevant interventions linked to research
National Development Plan (NDP), which aims to put findings will be implemented.
in place the framework of building the capabilities 6) Monitoring and evaluation (including post-
of our citizens to make our future work. The NSDP investment impact analysis)
outlines the SETA’s scope and crucially highlights its
institutional arrangements and MTSF’s. • Formal way of capturing and tracking the
journey of the students.
8.2 Our strategy 7) Supporting the development and
sustainability of the small, medium and micro
FASSET’s strategy aims to maximise the enduring enterprise (SMME) market with critical FAS
impact of its work on the lives of individuals and the skills
well-being of society. Its ultimate goal is to enable • Enter into strategic partnerships to support
skills development in the financial and accounting Black businesses, and particular focus to
services sector hinging on seven pillars: small, medium and micro enterprises.
1) Transformation of the FAS sector
FASSET recognises that it needs to build a robust and
• Develop the historically disadvantaged sustainable skills pipeline; a cohort of finance and
individuals and transform the asset accounting practitioners of the highest order, primed
management services to step into positions, take charge and be influencers
• Stakeholder Engagement Strategy at all levels of the economy.
development and implementation.
The drivers of value in the SETA are performance
2) Strengthened stakeholder engagement and areas that benefit employers or learners and include
partnerships mandatory grants, discretionary grants, research,
• Alignment of partnerships to specific areas learner professional development programmes and
and ensure it is outcome-based. lifelong learning interventions. Our business enablers
• Leverage strategic partnerships for enhanced include our people, intellectual capital, systems and
processes, information technology, and partnerships
Make the future count.
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