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FASSET | Annual Integrated Report 2022/23

                                                                with a range of stakeholders.
                            8.3  Vision                         8.6  Aligning with the National

                                                                      Skills Development Plan
                 To facilitate the achievement of world-class finance
                 and accountancy scarce and critical skills.
                                                                            The vision of the

                                                                                 NSDP is
                           8.4  Mission                                 “An Educated, Skilled
                                                                       and Capable Workforce
                 •  To inject relevant finance and accounting
                    services skills into the South African economy;        for South Africa”.
                 •  To position FASSET as a thought leader in skills   FASSET’s Strategic Plan (SP) 2020—2025
                    development and training;                   responds to this vision by building on its externally

                 •  To demonstrate continued excellence in finance   focussed strategic goals and government priorities,
                    and accounting services;                    strengthening the alignment with FASSET’s mandate
                                                                and considering the external situational analysis.
                 •  To drive transformation and promote inclusivity   This gives effect to an impact statement that aspires
                    in the finance and accounting services      to facilitate the timeous and relevant upskilling of
                                                                the sector.

                                                                The impact statement links to four of FASSET’s
                           8.5  Values                          strategic outcomes:

                                                                  •  Efficient and effective organisational support
                 •  Professionalism and accountability: We are a     system with an enabling culture.
                    high-performance, professional team; we strive
                    for excellence through hard work and by taking   •  Appropriate skills interventions determined as
                    responsibility and being accountable within an   informed by research.
                    accepted and agreed Code of Conduct.          •  Reduced critical skills and skills shortages in
                 •  Ethics: We work with integrity and honesty,      the sector.
                    and respect internal and external stakeholders   •  Improved quality assurance system for sector
                    at all times.                                    learning programmes.
                 •  Making a difference: We make a difference to
                    the lives of all our stakeholders by identifying   The FASSET Sector Skills Plan 2021 presents the
                    their needs and exceeding expectations.     following operating environment as it relates to its
                                                                line department and various stakeholders.
                 •  Valuing people: We strive to create a
                    motivating and supportive culture by
                    understanding, respecting, developing and
                    valuing each other.
                 •  Innovation: We continuously innovate and
                    improve to add value to all our stakeholders.

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