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FASSET | Annual Integrated Report 2022/23
3 573 followers in the reporting year from 2 703 in extended to building the capability to engage
the previous financial year and our LinkedIn at 3 589 external stakeholders through the CallCentre and,
from 1 407 in the previous financial year. FASSET internally, through allowing for team and knowledge-
has since launched its TikTok page ensuring it keeps building activities in cooperation with the Human
up with the ever-growing offering of social platforms Resource department.
and audience segmentation. This brought greater
awareness among different stakeholder groups of the My engagements with stakeholders offered me the
benefits and programmes of the SETA. opportunity to partner with different stakeholders in
impactful programmes and to share FASSET’s vision
Annual engagements such as the Sector Skills Plan and my appreciation with all.
and WSP Capacitation sessions became a cross
between actual in-person and hybrid virtual meetings. This strategy was introduced to stakeholders at
This proved to be more cost-effective regarding the CEO Roadshow where they were given the
monetary and travelling time and increased opportunity to comment, ask questions and contribute
attendance as more persons who previously could not prior to finalising the strategy.
attend were able to attend these meetings beneficial
to their participation in FASSET programmes and the Partnering with a great range of stakeholders ensured
provision of accurate sector needs. that relationships were solidified and that a bigger
awareness was built and forged, as increased
Greatly contributing to this goal in an unparalleled partnerships bring about increased exposure to
way and bringing FASSET closer than ever to stakeholders and management of our stakeholders.
its stakeholders, was the internalisation of the
administration of the FASSET bursary scheme. With A particular milestone for FASSET was reached
an overwhelming response of approximately 7000 through its partnership with the Technical and
applications, this approach was ascribed to easier Vocational Education Training Colleges Governance
access through adopting digitisation and technology- Council (TVET CGC), instituted in the previous
based interaction. financial year. The partnership capacitated the
TVET governance structures, specifically the audit
FASSET also overachieved on its events outreach committees, the chief financial officers, and supply
with 278 events, reaching a total number of 13 862 chain management practitioners. In the year under
learners through various interventions that were aimed review, FASSET extended on this partnership to
at particularly rural areas, in its interventions, FASSET further support TVET Colleges through supplying
reached a total of 157 schools in the rural areas. of infrastructure by establishing the ICT hubs.
TVET colleges that benefited from this particular
Focussed on making an impact where programme are situated in the rural areas, a total
it matters the most of 26 state of the art ICT hubs were established in
the 2022/23 financial year. The ICT hubs are fully
outfitted with 30 laptops (totaling to 780 laptops),
FASSET gains valuable insight through a stakeholder furnishing and Internet access. This is an impressive
satisfaction survey undertaken to ascertain what undertaking as FASSET overachieved in this area.
stakeholders’ understanding of FASSET’s role and In some of the TVET Colleges, FASSET donated
their challenges were, their impressions of FASSET’s additional 500 laptops to learners to enhance their
operations and processes and which programmes digital skills. Thus bringing to the total amount of
had been of interest and which ones posed 1280 laptops donated.
challenges. The survey enabled FASSET to strategise
and focus on delivering of its mandate through We further zoned in on our support for Community
multifaceted interrelations. FASSET will seek innovative Education and Training (CET) institutions by
solutions to these insights in order to improve its addressing the current gaps in infrastructure for the
service delivery to beneficiaries and to ensure that sector. This entailed donating mobile classrooms (park
it is at the forefront of understanding the needs of homes) to three CET institutions viz; KZN, Northern
stakeholders. Cape and Limpopo CETs. These mobile classes are
to be used as facilities which enabled them to be
One of my highlights was my embarkment as CEO less reliant on school hours and restrictions. FASSET
on building high-level platforms to engage with further donated sewing machines to the Gauteng CET
stakeholders. This included the CEO Roadshow, to support the entrepreneurial initiatives run by the
as well as the talktoCEO mailbox. It was further learners at the colleges.
Make the future count.
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