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FASSET | Annual Integrated Report 2022/23

            2.5.1    Information and Communications           The slow implementation of the ERP system was
                     Technology                               a setback that affected our ability to process and
                                                              manage invoices efficiently. We take full responsibility
                                                              for the delays and want to assure all FASSET
                                                              stakeholders that we are taking immediate action to
                                                              rectify the situation.

                                                              To address the issues with the ERP system and ensure
                               Thato Modise                   a seamless invoicing process going forward, we
                               Acting Chief Information       engaged Microsoft services. This decision reflects our
                                                              commitment to providing a higher level of service and
            Information and Communication Technology improves   We also acknowledge the performance constraints
            FASSET’s operational efficiency, optimises costs,   experienced with the Odoo MIS. The necessary steps
            drives innovation and accelerates the delivery of   are being taken to procure additional resources,
            services. This unit provides long-term planning and   ensuring optimal system performance and data
            day-to-day support in respect of ICT-enabled delivery   handling capabilities. Our team is working diligently
            using ICT services and systems.                   to resolve these issues promptly and to minimise any
                                                              further disruptions to our stakeholders.
            Reflections of the Financial Year 2022/23         As we move forward, we remain dedicated to
                                                              continuously improving our ICT resources, systems,
            ICT internalised its operations minimising the use of    and processes to better serve you. Our goal is to
            external service providers where possible, and rather    provide innovative and effective solutions that align
            utilised the expertise of its own personnel in order   with your needs and expectations.
            to reduce cost and over-reliance on external service
            providers.                                        Once again, we extend our sincerest apologies
                                                              for any inconvenience caused. We value your
            Internalised services included:                   partnership and trust, and we are committed to
                                                              learning from these challenges to deliver a more
            1.   Call Centre                                  robust and efficient service experience.
            2.   Website and Intranet                         Please do not hesitate to reach out to our dedicated
            3.   Mass Mailer and SMS Service                  support team if you have any concerns or require
            4.   Risk Management System                       further assistance. We greatly appreciate your
            5.   Board Pack Solution                          understanding and continued support as we work
            6.   Odoo Management Information System (MIS)     towards a more resilient and seamless service delivery
                                                              for the future.
            7.   Internet Connectivity
            8.   Microsoft Telephony                          Closing Remarks
            9.   Invoice Management                           Looking ahead, FASSET ICT remains committed to
            10.  Enterprise Resources Planning (ERP)          steering planning and resources towards facilitating
            11.  Software Licensing                           seamless remote working and maximising operational
                                                              efficiency. The organisation’s long-term ICT SP
            Challenges encountered throughout the internalisation   includes progressively enhancing ICT resources,
            process.                                          systems, and solutions to drive innovation and
                                                              effectiveness in service delivery. By leveraging ICT
            During the process of internalising our ICT operations   capabilities, FASSET is poised to continue its growth
            and optimising our systems, we faced some         and better serve its stakeholders in the ever-evolving
            unexpected challenges that led to system failures   digital landscape.
            and delays in service delivery. We deeply regret
            any inconvenience caused to our stakeholders,
            particularly with regards to the payment of invoices.
            We understand that timely payments are crucial to
            maintaining smooth business operations for all parties

                                                             Make the future count.
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