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FASSET | Annual Integrated Report 2022/23
2.6 Performance Information
We sign the APP with DHET every year, committing us to deliver against the NSDP. During 2022/2023, we
had 49 targets, 44 of which were achieved. This resulted in 90% overall performance by the SETA.
Programme 1: Administration
Programme 1: Administration
Purpose: The purpose of this programme is to enable effective and efficient capabilities for
core and supporting functions. These capabilities include governance, leadership,
organisational, process and system components. Supporting functions include Finance,
Operations, Human Resources, Information Technology, Communications and Supply
Chain Management. This programme also aims to establish and maintain enabling,
integrated core and supporting systems, as well as ensure a capacitated, capable
workforce, empowered by an enabling culture.
Sub-Programmes 1. Corporate Services
2. Finance, SCM and Assets
3. Governance (Audit and Risk)
4. Human Resources
5. Information Technology
tion from
Audited Audited Planned Actual planned Reasons
Output Actual Per- Actual Per- Annual Achieve- target to
Outcome Output for
Indicator formance formance Target ment actual deviations
2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 2022/23 achieve-
and effec-
tive organ-
support sys-
tem with an
culture that
will ensure Percentage
optimal of stake-
perfor- Implemen- holder en-
mance with tation of
a key focus stakeholder gagement N/A 61% 100% 100% -
on service. strategy strategy
(The digi- ed annually
tisation of
to ensure
tation of
tions to be
Make the future count. | 49