Page 62 - Fasset_AR_2023_E
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FASSET | Annual Integrated Report 2022/23

                                                                                         tion from
                                              Audited    Audited    Planned    Actual    planned
                                    Output   Actual Per-  Actual Per-  Annual   Achieve-  target to   Reasons
              Outcome    Output                                                                       for
                                   Indicator  formance  formance     Target     ment      actual
                                              2020/21    2021/22   2022/23    2022/23    achieve-  deviations
                                                                                                   Target over-
                                                                                                   the actual
                                                                                                   cost per
                                  Number                                                           learner was
                       High       of unem-                                                         less than
                       number of   ployed and                                                      budgeted
                       learners   employed                                                         amount
                       attending   learners    11308      22422     24500      27143      +2643    of R500
             Reduced   relevant   who enter                                                        under TIG
             critical   Lifelong   LL/LPD pro-                                                     and many
             skills and   Learning   grammes                                                       applica-
             skills short-  (LL)/Learner   annually                                                tions were
             ages in   Professional                                                                received
             the sector   Develop-                                                                 resulting in
             including   ment (LPD)                                                                the target
             a relevant   pro-                                                                     being over-
             commu-    grammes                                                                     subscribed
             nication   provided  Number of
             strategy to          skills pro-
             reach rural          grammes
             areas and            initiatives    0          9          4         4          -
             increasing           attended
             access to            by Trade
             FASSET               Unions
             products   High
             and servic-  number of                                                                Target over-
             es for the   learners   Number                                                        achieved
             rural areas  attended   of unem-                                                      because
                       FASSET pro- ployed                                                          there was
                       grammes    learners                                                         lot of
                       (FASSET    processed    4677       3685       4 574      5921      +1347    from FAS-
                       bursary    for reg-                                                         SET to the
                       scheme,    istration
                       TVET WBE,  on learn-                                                        stakehold-
                       Profession-  erships                                                        ers and the
                                                                                                   was buy
                       al Body    annually                                                         in for LEG
                       Designation                                                                 linkage

                                                             Make the future count.
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