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FASSET | Annual Integrated Report 2022/23
Programme 2: Skills Planning
Programme 2: Skills Planning
Purpose: The purpose of this programme is to establish an effective mechanism for skills
planning and research. It is responsible for researching skills needs within the sector
and developing the SSP that guides skills development priorities for the finance and
accounting sector; as well as informing the SETA’s SP and APP.
Sub-Programmes 1. Research (Chairs and State-owned enterprises (SOEs))
2. Sector Skills Plan
3. WSPs and ATRs
tion from
Audited Audited Planned Actual planned
Output Actual Per- Actual Per- Annual Achieve- target to Reasons
Outcome Output for
Indicator formance formance Target ment actual
2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 2022/23 achieve- deviations
SSP which Number
identifies of Sector
skills re- Skills Plan 1 1 1 1 -
quirements developed
and adapts and submit-
accordingly ted
Research Number of
Appropri- reports research
ate skills conducted studies 1 9 4 4 -
interven- in the FAS conducted
tion deter- sector annually
mined as
informed Number of
by re- large firms Target over-
search (pri- Approved WSP/ATR achieved,
oritising WSP and approved, 78 65 65 73 +8 more WSPs
tracking ATR for and were re-
the journey large firms Mandatory ceived than
of the Grant paid anticipated
students) annually
of medi- Target over-
Approved um firms achieved,
ATR for approved, 108 114 100 119 +19 more WSPs
medium and were re-
ceived than
firms Mandatory anticipated
Grant paid
Make the future count. | 51