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FASSET | Annual Integrated Report 2022/23
2.5.5 Facilities Department 2.5.6 Quality and Monitoring
Patience Motloung
Bomkazi Mnombeli Quality and Monitoring
Facilities Manager
Assistant Manager
With a focus to expand FASSET’s footprint, especially The Quality and Monitoring team is responsible
in the rural areas, to ultimately establish and increase for quality assurance as well as reporting on the
stakeholder engagement, the organisation acquired APP and the Service level Agreement (SLA) to the
three brand new vehicles in this reporting year. These National Treasury ,the Department of Planning,
vehicles have been uitilised and travelled across Monitoring and Evaluation (DPME) and the DHET.
South Africa ensuring that FASSET fulfils its mandate.
FASSET has put its plans into action, embarking on The eQPRS system (Electronic quarterly performance
a process of centralising records management. The system) was used in the reporting method
FASSET File Plan met the requirements of the National to National Treasury and DPME. A historical
Archives and Records Service of South Africa performance achievement of 90% against the targets
(NARSSA). Approval of the File Plan was granted by for 2022/2023 as set out in the APP was met.
NARSSA in January 2023.With the assistance of two
additional resources, the records classification and SETMIS (The Sector Education and Training
sorting process is well underway, with digitisation Management Information System) and Surveyhub
of the records being the ultimate goal to ensure system submissions were done in the 2022/2023
the safekeeping and accessibility in support of all Financial Year and the SETA recorded a performance
business processes. of 64% against the SLA signed with DHET.
As a result of the unit’s consistent reviewing and
Due to a lack of office space, FASSET is in the measuring performance data, annual targets were
process of acquiring new premises, befitting its met for the past three years. With another clean Audit
image and aspirations of being a world-class for 2022/2023. We aim to set this standard for the
organisation and to instil a high-performance culture years to come.
among all employees. The procurement process is
in the final stages of approval. The department is The unit experienced challenges in reporting due
looking forward to creating a safe, comfortable and to the manual reporting system which is currently
conducive workspace for all employees. done via the Microsoft platform. The unit works
on a solution soon to be implemented to solve the
Make the future count.
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