Page 60 - Fasset_AR_2023_E
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FASSET | Annual Integrated Report 2022/23

                                                                                         tion from
                                              Audited    Audited    Planned    Actual    planned
                                    Output   Actual Per-  Actual Per-  Annual   Achieve-  target to   Reasons
              Outcome    Output                                                                       for
                                   Indicator  formance  formance    Target      ment      actual
                                              2020/21    2021/22   2022/23    2022/23    achieve-  deviations
                                  2.5                                                              achieved,
                                  Number of                                                        less
             Appropri-  Approved   small firms                                                     payments
             ate skills   WSP and   WSP/ATR                                                        were done
             interven-  ATR for   approved,     759        605       600        596         -4     to small
             tion deter-  small firms  and                                                         firms and
             mined as             Mandatory                                                        resulted in
             informed             Grant paid                                                       the target
             by re-               annually                                                         not being
             search (pri-                                                                          achieved
             oritising            2.6
             tracking   Approved   Number of
             the journey   WSP and   government
             of the    ATR for    depart-
             students)  government  ments        5          7         5          5          -
                       depart-    WSP/ATR
                       ments      approved

                                                             Make the future count.
            52 |
   55   56   57   58   59   60   61   62   63   64   65