Page 58 - Fasset_AR_2023_E
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FASSET | Annual Integrated Report 2022/23
tion from
Audited Audited Planned Actual planned
Output Actual Per- Actual Per- Annual Achieve- target to Reasons
Outcome Output for
Indicator formance formance Target ment actual
2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 2022/23 achieve- deviations
Target over-
Joint pro- more pro-
Efficient cesses with of pro- grammes
and effec- other SETAs grammes 4 2 2 4 +2 were im-
tive organ- facilitated facilitated plemented
isational annually with other
support sys- SETAs than
tem with an anticipated
culture that Target over-
will ensure Internal Percentage achieved,
optimal skills de- of internal more
perfor- velopment skills strat- trainings
mance with Strategy egy imple- 84% 87% 80% 92% +12% were con-
a key focus developed mented on ducted due
on service. and imple- an annual additional
(The digi- mented basis funding
tisation of made avail-
processes able
to ensure Number of
effective Good SETA good
implemen- governance governance N/A N/A 4 4 -
tation of report report
interven- submitted submitted
tions to be
prioritised) Unquali- An unqual-
fied Audit ified Audit An unqual- An unqual- An unqual-
outcome outcome 1 ified Audit ified Audit ified Audit -
obtained obtained outcome outcome outcome
Make the future count.
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