Page 66 - Fasset_AR_2023_E
P. 66

FASSET | Annual Integrated Report 2022/23

                                                                                         tion from
                                              Audited    Audited    Planned    Actual    planned
                                    Output   Actual Per-  Actual Per-  Annual   Achieve-  target to   Reasons
              Outcome    Output                                                                       for
                                   Indicator  formance  formance     Target     ment      actual
                                              2020/21    2021/22   2022/23    2022/23    achieve-  deviations
                                  Number                                                           achieved,
                                  of unem-                                                         as we
                                  ployed                                                           didn’t have
                                  learners                                                         enough
                                  who com-      92         533       250        228        -22     learners
                                  plete qual-                                                      that were
                                  ification                                                        supported
                                  via bursary                                                      that com-
                                  programme                                                        pleted their
                                  annually                                                         final year
                                                                                                   of studies
                                  Number                                                           Target over-
                                  of unem-
                                  ployed                                                           achieved,
                                  learners                                                         more learn-
                                                                                                   ers complet-
                                  who           779       1946       1687       1831      +144     ed the
                                  complete                                                         programme
                                  a skills
                                  programme                                                        than antici-
                                  annually                                                         pated
                                  Number of                                                        Target over-
                                  employed                                                         achieved
                                  learners                                                         because
                                  processed                                                        there was
                                  for reg-      319        350       310        353        +43     lot of mar-
                                  istration                                                        keting from
                                  on learn-                                                        FASSET to
                                  erships                                                          the stake-
                                  annually                                                         holders

                                                             Make the future count.
            58 |
   61   62   63   64   65   66   67   68   69   70   71