
Fasset’s Language Policy Fasset’s Language Policy adheres to the requirement of the Use of Official Languages Act, No. 12 of 2012 and is aligned to the principle of promoting functional multilingualism as enshrined in the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996 and Bill of Rights contained therein. Click here to download the policy. Fasset's Proatia Manual

Fasset has in place a Proatia Manual in terms of Section 14 of the Promotion of Access to Information Act, 2000 (Act No. 2 of 2000) ("the Act"). The Act gives effect to the provisions of Section 32 of the Constitution which provides for the right of access to information held by the State and to information held by another person that is required for the exercise and / or protection of any right. The provision of any information in addition to that specifically required in terms of Section 14 of the Act does not create any contractual right or entitlement to receive such information, other than in terms of the Act. The complete document can be downloaded below.
Download as English (Adobe PDF: 90KB)

Download as English (Microsoft Word: 133KB)

Download as Afrikaans (Adobe PDF: 209KB)

Download as Xhosa (Microsoft Word: 133KB)

Fraud Policy Statement

Fasset’s Fraud Prevention Plan is implemented as a means of understanding and managing our fraud risks. A key element of this plan is Fasset's declaration of zero tolerance towards crime.

The Fraud Policy Statement documented below states Fasset's intentions in this regard clearly:

Fraud Policy Statement
The Financial and Accounting Services Sector Education and Training Authority (Fasset) is committed to protecting its revenue, expenditure, assets and its reputation from any attempt by any person to gain financial or other benefit in an unlawful, dishonest or unethical manner.

Coupled with this Statement, Fasset has implemented a Charter for the implementation of the Fraud Prevention Plan and to give effect to the Fraud Policy Statement. This Charter is documented below:

Anti-Fraud Charter
In implementing the Fraud Policy of Fasset:

We are maintaining an anti-fraud environment throughout Fasset The fraud prevention plan is being implemented throughout Fasset.
Fraud reduction is a priority in all governing structures (e.g. the Management Board, the various working committees, and the Audit Committee).
We will continue to embrace and acknowledge the contribution of all employees and members of the community who assist in the combating of fraud and in the prosecution of fraudsters.
We understand and manage our risks Our fraud risks are reviewed and assessed on a regular basis.
Cognisance to fraud risk is given in all procedure changes.
Internal controls and audit measures are in place to identify and manage fraud risk.
We are proactive in defending our assets We are forming strategic alliances in combating fraud.
We are establishing a profile on potential fraudsters.
We are monitoring direct and indirect losses incurred via fraud, through effective information and communication.
We react swiftly when a crime is uncovered We react swiftly and appropriately when a crime is uncovered.

In order to assist Fasset in giving effect to our Fraud Prevention Plan, we encourage all stakeholders to make use of the Fasset Tip Offs Hotline (0800 205 054) to notify Fasset of any suspected fraudulent activities impacting on Fasset.

Publication Distribution

Fasset would like to advise all publishers of publications which are not official Government issues that we are not able to accept for distribution to our membership any deliveries of stocks of newpapers, newsletters, journals or magazines. Any such unsolicited deliveries made to the Fasset offices will not be accepted.

There may be exceptional circumstances where a specific edition of a specific publication will be accepted by Fasset, but prior arrangements are to be made with the Fasset manager responsible for the subsequent distribution and delivery of stocks is to be addressed to the specified manager and accepted by them.