Sector Skills Plan

The Sector Skills Plan (SSP) represents the 'roadmap' for the work of Fasset and organisations in the Fasset sector in terms of skills development. In addition, to outlining long-term and short-term skills development deliverables, Fasset's vision and mission, the SSP provides information on:

The SSP should be based on the following:

Responsibility for producing the SSP rests with Fasset and therefore, the members of Fasset representing organised labour, organised employers, relevant government departments and other members appointed to the Fasset Board. As a strategic Seta document, the main stakeholders via the Fasset Board, of the sector must endorse the SSP.Download the Sector Skills Plan
To download Fasset’s SSPs since the past ten years, click on your choice in the table below.
The old Fasset SSPs can be accessed under archives.