skills programmes

Fasset has adopted a pipeline approach to funding. The pipeline approach seeks to identify the education and training value chain of people who want to enter into the sector or who are progressing up the value chain within the sector. 

To facilitate skills development, transformation and social upliftment in the sector in pursuance of NSDS Targets Fasset funds programmes that meet specific criteria in this regard, by utilising unclaimed grant money. Fasset's Board earmarks, on an annual basis, areas of high skills need within the sector, based on the Sector Skills Plan and other research. Strategic project interventions are identified and are advertised annually in this regard. All new projects are approved by the Grants Adjudication Committee (GAC) All Bridging Programmes are geared towards addressing the underprivileged demographic profile within the sector, and all are therefore in line with the NSDS targets. The open windows are advertised on the Fasset website ( . Potential service providers are advised to regularly check these public sources of information for new and updated information. Please see the list below of the projects that are currently running.
Employers interested in accessing graduates should contact the Fasset Projects Department on 011 476 8570.
Learners wishing to participate in funded projects must check the list of approved institution.

Click here to download the full list of bridging programmes Fasset-funded training interventions: Academic Bridging Programmes (PIVOTAL and NON-PIVOTAL) that lead to academic and/or professional body qualifications/designations

This enables Fasset to partner with public providers from Universities and Universities of Technology registered with DHET; and Professional Bodies in the Fasset sector to ensure that learners obtain formal qualifications that will enhance their chances of securing learnerships, internships or full time employment in the broader economy including in the Fasset sector.

The outcome of this intervention is that learners will have progressed from one academic level to the next; or obtained a qualification and/or a designation, or will have been placed onto learnerships, internships or in full time employment and that Fasset would have formed stronger partnerships with public providers and professional bodies. Eligible Learners: African Black, Coloured, and learners with disabilities are eligible to apply for Fasset programmes.
Learners must have the required potential to succeed.

For learnership programmes, the following is applicable: The learnership may be registered with Fasset or with another Seta (as defined in the Skills Development Act 97 of 2000 as amended).
An official confirmation letter of the registered learner should be attached to the application in the case of a registered learner i.e. a learner letter of commencement.
The learnership programme must not be less than 12 months, on a full-time basis.