Choosing a career
Following the crowd (peers)
Accepting choices made by parents
Influence by media
Following current trends or availing the most sought
after career opportunities.
Choosing a career is one of the most important decisions
that you will make in your life. Although most people make
several career changes in their lifetime, the first career
decision you make will have an impact on various aspects of
your life. It will, for example, determine the direction in
which you will develop skills, the type of organisation in
which you will start working and the income that you will
With colleges and universities offering numerous
courses today, for students it is truly confusing making a
career choice. For a student, choosing a career path that is
far from ones’ interest and ability can cause
dissatisfaction in the long run. Hence it is important to
plan one’s career from a long term perspective. Follow the
below steps to pick a careetr that is fitting for you or
Click here
to view the Fasset Career Guide for more
How does career planning happen today?
Most often students choose careers based on other’s
preferences be it: