tvet work based projects
The Department of Higher Education and Training has identified the
need to capacitate public TVET Colleges, to become the preferred
providers of occupational skills, as relevant, in South Africa. This
need was identified to, amongst others, address the high unemployment
rate amongst the age group 16 – 34.
It is assumed that work experience will enhance the
employability of unemployed persons, in particular if such work
experience is:
Related to and supports their field of study;
Obtained in an environment with processes and structures in place to
coach and mentor such persons;
Obtained in the environment of a reputable employer;
Of an adequate length to allow sufficient time to gain exposure and
experience in a number of generic and specific skills.
In this context, Fasset is implementing a project aimed at
facilitating and funding workplace-based experience for graduates.
This project is aimed at learners who have successfully completed the
National N6 certificate in business studies and who are eligible to
the National N Diploma at NQF level 6, upon completion of 18 months’
relevant work experience.
Fasset will be recruiting learners who have specialised in one of the
following areas: Financial Management,
Business Management,
Marketing Management,
HR Management, and
Management Assistant.