Are the salaries of Learners included in the Skills Development
Levy calculation?
The salaries of registered learners are excluded from the SDL
calculation. You need the official confirmation letter as proof for
Do employers have to pay UIF contributions for learners?
With effect from 1 May 2004 only employees in terms of a
learnership contract contemplated in section 18(2) of the Skills
Development Levies Act, 1998, and their employers are not liable for
payment of UIF contributions. Section 18(2) refers to employees that
had not been in the employ of the employer at the time of the
signing of a learnership agreement and a contract of service was still
to be concluded by the learner and employer (i.e. previously
unemployed learners).
Therefore, in the event of an employer concluding a learnership
agreement with an existing employee and of the service agreement not
falling within the provisions of section 18(2) of the Skills Levies
Act, 1998, such employee and employer shall be liable for payment of
UIF contributions.
Please advise what the definition ito the skills development levy
act is of a "previously unemployed" learner.
"Previously unemployed' is defined as, 'an employee who has not
previously signed an employment contract with the employer'. For the
purposes of learnerships, a fixed term contract is
accepted as a binding contract between the learner and the employer.
If the learner has first been on probation, then the learner
should be regarded aspreviously employed.
How do I get a company to offer me training?
Companies recruit learners by advertising in publications.
Alternatively, learners can contact professional bodies directly for
information regarding the companies registered with them.
Does a learner receive any remuneration while on a
Yes. Unemployed learners receive a monthly allowance as
stipulated in the Basic Conditions of Service of the Department of
Labour. Employed learners are remunerated based on the terms and
conditions of their employment contract.
Should all trainers be accredited i.e. including in-house
Any provider/employer who provides training towards registered
NQF qualifications or standards should be accredited by the relevant
Quality Assuring Body (QAB). This only includes in-house providers if
they have aligned their training programmes with registered
qualifications or unit standards.
What is the Role of the Professional Bodies?
Fasset’s sector is characterised by a number of professional
bodies. Some of these professional bodies quality assure their own
qualifications and accredited as Quality Assurance Partners (QAP's)
for their qualifications. Fasset monitors the QAP's annually.
What is the pre-determined or minimum time period for a
learnership has a minimum of 120 credits, which effectively
translates to a minimum time period of one year. However this is
dependent on the actual qualification and its credit value. For
example, the National Certificate in Business Administration, NQF
Levels 3 and 4, are one year each; whereas the Post-graduate Diploma:
Professional Accountant in Practice qualification is three years.
Does a Learnership always need a 'provider' to sign the agreement,
especially if Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) has been
Yes, it does. In some instances, the training provider and the
employer are the same party. That is, the employer acts as a training
provider for the practical requirements of the qualification.
Are there a minimum number of learners who may enter into a
Learnership agreement in one company?
No, there is not. However, employers need to be aware of
the necessary infrastructure that needs to be in place to support
learners on Learnerships, e.g. scope of work exposure.
Are there any minimum entry requirements for a Learnership?
Yes. Learners must be at or above the minimum age as spelt
out in the Basic Conditions of Employment. Should the learner be under
the age of 21, a guardian or parent will need to sign the Learnership
Agreement. The learner will need to meet the entry requirements of the
qualification, and of the job.
Can distance education be used?
Yes it can, provided that the quality assurance requirements are
Can Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) be applied to a
Yes. Where professional bodies are involved, their rules
around RPL apply. In many cases, the learner must provide the
necessary evidence that education and experience, similar to
that required by the learnership has been attained.
What are Fasset's requirements for registering Learnerships?
These can be found on the Fasset website when you
Click here
Can a Fasset employer register employees as learners on other
Setas' learnerships? How does this work?
Yes. Please contact the QAL Department to indicate the
learnership in which you are interested.
Fasset interacts with
other Setas in terms of memoranda of understanding to determine the
additional/expected processes in this regard.
The employer
completes the Fasset Learnership agreement and submits this to Fasset.
Click here
for the learnership agreement.